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Religion & Theology
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Option A - Religious Observation. Reflections about Islam

Essay Instructions:

Option A - Religious Observation

Please attend a worship service of a different tradition. Your job is to attend, seek to understand, and reflect. Please observe the ceremonies, songs, rituals, messages, and participants with a respectful, empathetic student mentality. You are guests, please be polite and abide by any rules of conduct that are required.

This assignment is simple: go and see. If you attend, the two page reflection that you are to submit will take care of itself. If you do not attend and try to make up the reflection, not only will I know, but I will give you a zero and you will have ruined a great opportunity to grow and learn as a human being.

Please submit two pages of what you observed, what you thought about what you observed, and how-based on what we have studied in this class-you think what you observed fits into the context of that belief system.

This assignment is worth 50 points.

Option B - Religious Interview

Have a conversation (interview) with a person who is an adherent to a religious faith other than Christianity (agnosticism and atheism do not count for this assignment). Then, write a paper summarizing your experience, sharing what you observed, heard, and learned.

For help on the interview, here are some very simple questions to ask to get the ball rolling with your interview:

How long have you been a ____, or follower of ____?

Is everyone in your family a ___, or follower of _____? If not, how do they receive your religious affiliation?

What do you think the core beliefs are of your religion are?

Why do you think these beliefs are true? or Why did you become a ___, or follower of ____?

How do you practice your religion? How is your life different because you are a ____, or follower of ____? How would your life be different if you weren't a ____, or follower of ____?

Does your religion have any special festivals or holy days? How do you observe them?

Does your family have any traditions based on your religion?

More Jesus focused, comparison to Christianity questions:

What is your religious view on who Jesus is?

What does your religion say the fate of Christians is?

Christianity teaches of an eternal life in heaven or eternal death in hell after this life. What does your religion teach concerning the afterlife?

Christianity teaches that mankind's ultimate problem in this life is sin and that Jesus Christ is the solution to that problem. What's the ultimate problem of mankind in your religion and what is your religions' solution?

Have you ever read the Christian Bible or considered the truth claims of Christianity?

Do you know how your religion differs from Christianity?

Central to Christianity is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Jesus rose from the grave, what would that mean? Stress the hypothetical of "if". Even if they say, but he didn't, stress what would it mean "if".

When speaking with a Jew consider sharing Isaiah 53 and the suffering servant. The section actually starts in Isaiah 52. Ask how he or she, or Jews, interpret that section of Scripture. Ask if he or she thinks Jesus fits the description of the servant in the passage. Ask who he or she thinks is being addressed in the passage.

Your reflections for this option for the assignment must also total a minimum of two pages and may include both the responses that the interviewee shared as well as your reflections and what you learned from this experience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Reflections about Islam
There are many misconceptions about the different religions that need to be cleared. When I was a child, I thought of only that Christianity is the sole ruling way of showing religious faith. Going to a church comes naturally for me yet I never attempted to expand my perceptions outside the boundaries of my religions denomination. I, too, am unaware of other religions; however, ignorance can’t excuse me for not taking an opportunity to learn and grow as a person to broaden my views. In my essay, I will make use of option B. I will be presenting an interview about a girl, whom asked to not reveal her name, adheres to the religious faith of Islam. I made use some of the guide interview questions in our conversation. I only interview through chat since she’s very busy and this is the story.
She's a Muslim since birth. It's customary in Islam to travel the path of tradition. Her parents were also Muslim and are strict to enforce the rules and core beliefs of Islam at a young age. Whenever she walks outside of their home, she always wears a traditional Muslim headgear called a Hijab. Added by her, it’s their way of protecting themselves against the animalistic gaze of men towards women. Their dress code is somehow a standard of demureness or modesty to prevent arousal of sexual attraction. According to the teachings of her brother, she said, “the first part of a woman that a man usually sexualizes is the neck,” that is why it’s hidden. What about the hair? Acts of beauty, according to her, are reserved only to their husband and should not be seen by other people outside their family. At the first part of our conversation, it strikes me with the practice of visu...
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