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Internet Gaming Disorder: Risk Factors and Remedies

Essay Instructions:

Research Papers

Each should be a 5-6 page, double-spaced scholarly paper on the topic of behavioral

addictions with at least 5 novel references. References should be from peer-reviewed

journals or from reputable sources (e.g. Scientific American). Paper must include in-text

citations and a full works cited page at the end, in any format you are most familiar with

(MLA, APA, etc).

All topics must be pre-approved by the instructor. Topics could be either related to what we

have done in class or they can be new but they should be clearly related to internet

addiction, one or more of its ingredients or its consequences. For example, you could

discuss how goals or need for progression might fuel addictive behaviors or how attention

economy fuels behavioral addictions.

Format should be like a news article (e.g. a New York Times article) or a scientific review article

in which you explore a scholarly topic, describe and discuss research, and demonstrate critical

thinking and analysis. Grammar and style are important components. Please include page



50% on Content: What you are writing about.

● A quality papers: Topic is relevant and focused, ideas flow throughout the paper

logically, over 5 reputable and relevant sources are used, sources are accurately

described and discussed in detail to a “non-expert” audience

● B quality papers: Topic is mostly relevant, ideas may jump around but ultimately

related to topic, about 5 sources are used - perhaps not all are strong, most sources

are described and discussed although perhaps not as detailed

● C quality papers or below: Topic is unclear or irrelevant, ideas are mostly illogical or

unsupported, no/few sources are used and may not be legitimate, sources may not

be accurately described or discussed enough or at all

25% on Analyses: What you are thinking, interpreting, or arguing.

● A quality papers: Strong critical thinking is demonstrated about sources themselves

and larger ideas, interpretations or criticisms are thoughtfully presented and argued,

the paper has a general thesis it is trying to explore or argue, goes beyond summary

● B quality papers: Decent critical thinking is demonstrated about sources themselves

and larger ideas, interpretations or criticisms are relevant but perhaps not as

detailed or well-supported, paper has a general thesis that could have been stronger

or was not as thoroughly argued

● C quality papers or below: little to no critical thinking demonstrated about sources

themselves and larger ideas, interpretations or criticisms are illogical or

unsupported, the paper lacks a central thesis or idea, remains a summary

25% on Grammar and Style: How you are writing.

● A quality papers: Little to no proofreading or grammatical errors, correct formatting

of paper/citations/references, writing style flows and is well-articulated

● B quality papers: Some proofreading or grammatical errors, mostly correct

formatting of paper/citations/references, writing style clear enough

● C quality papers or below: Many proofreading or grammatical errors, incorrect

formatting or missing citations/references, writing hard to understand or too casual

choose a topic related to the course

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Internet Gaming Disorder: Risk Factors and Remedies
The term internet refers to the global network of computers used worldwide for communication, navigation, trade, and entertainment. Excessive use of the internet generates such behavioral patterns in individuals linked to drug addicts; however, as with other disorders, no significant trace of internet-related physiological changes has been detected (Kurniasanti et al. 82). According to another study, excessive use of the internet is strongly associated with repeated psychological disorders such as school burnouts; consequently, depressive behaviors associated with school burnouts have also been found. However, the frequency of depressive symptoms and burnouts is more in female teenagers than males (Salmela-Aro et al. 344). One of the most prominent features of internet addiction in teenagers is the excessive use of online gaming, and this addiction is the leading cause of internet gaming disorder (IGD). Internet gaming disorder is a severe psychological issue that also causes adverse neurological changes, mostly related to alteration in grey matter volume (GMV). Common symptoms of IGD include the inability to control gaming activities that indicate some detrimental neurological changes associated with IGD as it has been found that online gaming activities are associated with a decrease in volume of orbitofrontal grey matter (Zhou et al. 101). Internet Gaming Disorder is becoming a severe social and mental health problem as it is deteriorating social bonds, impairing concentration and attention, and inducing excessive compulsive behaviors. All these alarming signs demand a comprehensive study of social and psychological causes and emotional triggers that lead to online gaming addiction. Therefore, the current review investigates the potential motives, driving forces, and causes behind the rapid prevalence of IGD with a particular focus on young adults to outline a roadmap for possible remedial measures. This study will help researchers explore new dimensions of treatment and prevention of IGD.
Review of Literature
Currently, digital gaming is one of the most popular recreational activities across the globe, with approximately two billion people using it as a pastime activity (Hygen et al. 895). This significant extent of usage of online gaming demands the inquiry of all the possible factors that lead to engagement in online gaming. A study conducted on 851 Dutch adolescents to determine the role of impaired psychological well-being in online gaming addiction revealed that psychological factors such as low self-esteem, loneliness, and disappointment with life might eventually lead to rigorous engagement in online gaming (Lemmens et al. 152). Traditional gaming has been one of the most widely accepted and practiced means of entertainment, and in the long run, it promotes social grouping; however, this very fact reveals one possible aspect of excessive engagement of an individual in online gaming. Since physical, social grouping demands interpersonal skills, there is a strong possibility that young adults who go through emotional or behavioral problems may find themselves socially incompetent and resort to online gaming as an escape. Another study conducted on 791 Norwegian children revealed that online gaming is a fast-moving virtual environment that offers immediate rewards, and it is an ultimate attraction for young adults who are suffering from ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).
The findings indicated that prominent symptoms of ADHD at age eight could lead to more intensive online gaming at age ten and concluded that not the extent of online gaming but the parental negligence might enhance the online gaming activities in children (Stenseng et al. 4). A similar study conducted to evaluate the risk factors associated with IGD was conducted on 115 IGD patients and 115 pathological gambling patients. The finding revealed that psychological problems like neurosis and low conscientiousness, and extraversion are associated with IGD (Müller et al. 129).
Another dimension of the potential risk factor of IGD deals with the parental relationship with children; the imperative role of parents in preventing online gaming activities is beyond doubt. Longitudinal research conducted on a sample of 1490 young adults to evaluate the link between efficient parental supervision and online gaming disorders in children revealed that supervision and care provided by the father are indirectly linked to the development of IGD (Su et al.). Similar studies also supported the above findings. One such study was conducted on 383 non-problematic gamers and 37 problematic gamers to assess the effects of family attitude and perception of the family by young adults on the prevalence of IGD.
The results of this study strongly endorsed the notion that parental care is an effective way of dealing with IGD as they indicated a strong relationship between parental supervision, domestic conflicts, and family perception and development of IGD (Bonnaire and Phan 108). This result may provide a background for remedial measures that can be adopted to resolve the ever-rising issue of IGD. However, another study drew a somewhat different picture of the problem. Based on a survey conducted on 824 secondary level students, the findings revealed that the parent-child relationship is only a weak risk factor for the IGD, and these findings, although not decisive, may compel researchers to look for furthermore factors behind IGD (King and Delfabbro 1275).
Perhaps one of the most neglected risk factors studied for the identification, treatment, and prevention of IGD is the genetic disposition of a person suffering from IGD and the environ...
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