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Mindfulness Training and Its Impact on Wellbeing

Essay Instructions:

Hello All,

I hope you are well. Please submit your Self-Improvement Project Paper on this Assignment Tab , as well .

As a reminder, this course is part of University of South Florida's Enhanced General Education curriculum. The instructor will assess this assignment for the General Education Student learning Outcomes. You will not receive another grade. Thank you in advance.

Warmest regards,


This is a wellbeing project that will require you to first assess the current state of your wellbeing using a specific screening measure. You will choose a wellbeing goal(s) to pursue over a period of time (up to two weeks). You will choose an evidence-based intervention(s) that has been introduced during the course to help you achieve your goal(s). Finally, a post-intervention validated wellbeing questionnaire will be taken and a synthesis of the whole process, including results, will be submitted at the end of the course. These activities can also be found at https://ggia(dot)berkeley(dot)edu, see rubric. #GEA1

You will write this up as an empirical paper addressing the following.

Introduction: Why did you decide to change what you (hopefully) changed? What variables facilitated and impeded this change? What mechanisms may explain why? What is your hypothesis? Use research to support your answers.

Methods: Describe the procedure(s) you used to change yourself. What techniques did you use? What is the science behind these techniques? How did you measure change?

Results: What happened? Even though self-report data may suggest the intervention was effective, you must also provide corroborating evidence from other sources. Objective health indicators (e.g., fewer sick days used), and behavioral measures (noticing more good things on a daily basis; more positive social interactions) are all appropriate.

Discussion: Was your hypothesis confirmed or disconfirmed? Are your results consistent with prior research? What have you learned about self-change, and positive psychology? You might talk about strengths, weaknesses, and difficulties in implementing your intervention, or you might explain why some techniques seemed to be more effective than others. What would you do differently if you had the chance to do it again? Why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mindfulness training and impact on wellbeing
I have been easily distracted, irritated, and felt stressed out of late while facing challenges to relax and focus. While I noticed I was uneasy because I was less focused than before, I decided to look into ways to make better choices and make changes that would benefit me and improve my well-being. I stumbled upon the concept of mindfulness breathing, which to me at the time appeared similar to meditation meant to achieve relaxation. To enrich my perspective, I researched more on the practice and its benefit to the body and the mind.
Mindfulness training aims to allow people to manage emotions, attitudes and thought better to face life situations through the practice and improvement of mindfulness. Additionally, mindfulness techniques and training have been singled out for improving cognitive performance (Quek et al., 2021). Research shows that practicing mindfulness intervention on a regular basis reduces distraction, stress and helps focus attention (Chin et al., 2020). Self-knowledge makes it easier to control emotions in stressful situations and awareness improves the ability to voluntarily direct mental processes.
Integrating incorporate conscious and efficient breathing techniques into fitness and wellness programs is increasingly common. This is mindfulness breathing, but those practicing may not necessarily call it by this name. Sometimes there are unconscious actions that people fail to notice as they do not observe their surroundings. Breathing is a vital reflex action, but training can help improve relaxation and make one more aware of their thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness breathing implies taking care of a vital function that people often take for granted. Shallow and fast breathing is often one of the signs of stress, and in such cases, organs and tissues get optimal oxygen levels, which negatively affects the quality of life.
I hypothesize that after undertaking mindfulness breathing, I will be more relaxed, less distracted, and aware of thoughts and feelings. As such, I will be less stressed and will improve my concentration.
Breathing is one of the pillars of mindfulness is breathing, and I observed my behavior patterns to exercise mindfulness and conscious breathing for15 minutes daily for the two weeks. Mindfulness breathing took place in a relaxed and comfortable seating position. I became more attentive to my own mind and thoughts taking note of the thoughts. The basis of mindfulness meditation and I started by concentrating the mind on breathing. Attention to breathing was undertaken through observation and counting full breaths inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Noting changes, thoughts, and whether I relax are prioritized. Mindfulness requires paying careful attention to one’s thoughts, feelings, and sensing at the moment without considering whether the thoughts and feelings are good or bad (University of California, Berkeley). 
Mindfulness breathing and relaxation techniques include breathing exercises mindfulness requires calmness but is still different from and relaxation techniques. Practicing mindfulness breathing and similar techniques is associated with enhancing attentional awareness, emotional responses, and concentration. Mindfulness is one of the stress coping techniques that are singled out for their psychological health benefits (Tellhed et al., 2019). Additionally, mindfulness is associated with improving one’s thoughts, so there are more positive automatic thoughts. In the beginning, those exercising mindfulness breathing may find it challenging to maintain focus during the sessions, but mindfulness, breathing, and relaxation practices target various psychological outcomes.
The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ-39) is a 39-item questionnaire that assesses five facets of mindfulness, while the FFMQ-15 is a shortened 15-item Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire. The items are rated on a scale where 1- never or very rarely true • 2- rarely true • 3- sometimes true • 4- often true • 5- very often or always true. The scores closer to 5 represent more mindfulness, while those closer to 1 indicate less mindfulness. There are various self-report assessment instruments to assess mindfulness, but the FFMQ is one of the common measures and assessment tools of mindfulness-based intervention research. The FFMQ integrates various dimensions of the construct of mindfulness. The FFMQ-39 instrument is used to collect information for the 39 items focusing on the five mindfulness skills and components: observation, description, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experience, and non-reactivity to inner experience (Danielson & Jones, 2017).
There was the Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire completed, and before answering the self-reported questionnaire, there was a review of the questions and how mindfulness is carried out. The scales have specific characteristics for measuring mindfulness, where there are the five interrelated dimensions of mindfulness, which reflect five competencies of mindfulness. For instance, the absence of judgment of internal experience focuses on present experiences such as thoughts, emotions, and sensations without making judgments about these experiences. There are other measures such as assessing the ability to put into words the experiences that are the object of attention and being attentive to the present moment. The completed pre-and post-training measures help indicate whether the mindfulness breathing technique and practices bring changes.
Table1: FFMQ-15: 15-item Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire



1.When I take a shower or a bath, I stay alert to the sensations of water on my body.



2.I’m good at finding words to describe my feelings.



3.I don’t pay attention to what I’m doing because I’m daydreaming, worrying, or otherwise distracted.



4.I believe some of my thoughts are abnormal or bad and I shouldn’t think that way.



5.When I have distressing thoughts or images, I “step back” and am aware of the thought or image without getting taken over by it.



6.I notice how foods and drinks affect my thoughts, bodily sensations, and emotions.



7.I have trouble thinking of the right words to express how I feel about things.



8.I do jobs or tasks automatically without being aware of what I’m doing.



9.I think...
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