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Consciousness in Psychology and the Issues that Engaged Developmental Psychologist

Essay Instructions:

Quiz2 For Psychology 





Single Choice questions

1.Body organs first begin to form and function during the period of the _____________; within 6 months, during the period of the_________ , the organs are suffi- ciently functional to allow a chance of survival.

a. zygote; embryo b. zygote; fetus c. embryo; fetus d. placenta; fetus 

2.Which of the following is true of motor-skill development

a.It is determined solely by genetic factors.

b.The sequence, but not the timing, is universal.

c. The timing, but not the sequence, is universal.

d. It is determined solely by environmental factors.

3. In Eriksons stages, the primary task during adolescence is

a. attaining formal operations.

b. forging an identity.

c. developing a sense of intimacy with another person. d. living in

d. dependent of parents.

4. Although development is lifelong, there is stability of personality over time. For example,

a. most personality traits emerge in infancy and persist throughout life.

b. temperament tends to remain stable throughout life.

c. few people change significantly after adolescence.

d. people tend to undergo greater personality changes as they age.

 5.Females and males are very similar to each other. But one way they differ is that

a. women are more physically aggressive than men.

b. men are more democratic than women in their leadership roles.

c. girls tend to play in small groups, while boys tend to play in large groups.

d. women are more likely to commit suicide.

6. Gender role refers to our

a. sense of being male or female.

b. expectations about the way males and females should behave.

c. biological sex.

d. unisex characteristics.

7. In describing the sexual response cycle, Masters and Johnson noted that

a. plateau phase follows orgasm.

b. men experience a refractory period during which they cannot experience orgasm.

c. the feeling that accompanies orgasm is stronger in men than in women.

d. testosterone is released equally in women and men.

8. Sensory adaptation helps us focus on

a. visual stimuli. 


b. auditory stimuli. 


c. constant features of the environment. 

d. important changes in the environment.

9.In listening to a concert, you attend to the solo instrument and perceive the orchestra as accompaniment. This illustrates the organizing principle of

a. figure-ground.

b. shape constancy.

c. grouping.

d. depth perception.

10. A medieval proverb notes that “a burnt child dreads the fire.” In operant conditioning, the burning would be an example of a

a.primary reinforcer. b. negative reinforcer.

c. punisher. d. positive reinforcer.

Essay Questions:

1. What is the place of consciousness in psychologys history?

2. What three issues have engaged developmental psychologists?

3. What is the impact of prosocial modeling and antisocial modeling?

4.How do positive and negative reinforcement differ, and what are the basic types of reinforcers? 

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10 06 2021
Psy 101 Quiz 2
Single Choice questions
1 C. embryo, fetus
2 B the sequence, but not the timing, is universal
3 B forging an identity
4 B temperament tends to remain stable throughout life.
5 C girls tend to play in small groups, while boys tend to play in large groups
6 B expectations about the way males and females should behave
7 B men experience a refractory period during which they cannot experience orgasm.
8 D important changes in the environment.
9 A figure-ground.
10 C punisher
Essay Questions: Answers
1 Consciousness in Psychology is defined as the state and quality of being aware of one's environment or something within an individual like feelings, sensations, memories, and thoughts. Historically, in the late 1800s, it formed the backbone of psychology subject. The discipline's core study area was called “the description and explanation of states of consciousness.” From the 20th century, psychology study became a bit complex and was inspired by “behaviorism.” Scientists started consciousness study pegged on “direct observation and behavior.” The advancement of neuroscience in the late 1960s allowed brain activity study in a dream state, during sleep, and other mental conditions. During this period, the study of consciousness changed hypnosis and drugs. Since then, Psychologists have been emphasizing cognitive processes or cognition. The evolution of psychology has changed modern scientists` perception, and consci...
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