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Steps of Developing an Effective Training Program Essay

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Steps of Developing an Effective Training Program
Student Name
Training implies any planned action meant to transfer knowledge and skills via learning capabilities (World Health Organization 2). Undertaking needs assessment is essential to the accomplishment of the training. A failure to develop and implement training devoid needs assessment make organizations vulnerable missing the point of the training entirely. Developing an effective training program entails four major steps.
Needs Assessment
It is the first step of the training program, and it involves the process of determining the gaps that exist currently and also what the employees require in the future regarding performance, competencies, and behaviors. Needs assessment entails gathering data to establish the training needs that exist so that the development of training can assist the organization to attain its goals and objectives. According to Brown (572), needs assessment to take three forms. The first one is an organizational analysis which analyzes the effectiveness of an organization as a whole and ascertains discrepancies. The second one is task assessment which involves gathering information regarding a certain job function or occupational group. The last one is individual assessment which focuses on a specific staff member to discover how they are performing.
Training programs need to be designed while considering the needs and requirements of the employees. Designing begins with developing the instructional objectives. The designers need to come up with statements describing what the training program seeks to accomplish. Next, the designers draft lesson plans to guide what should be undertaken during each training session to attain the set goals and objectives. It is essential to ap...
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