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Leadership is all about managing people both as individuals and teams.

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Leadership is all about managing people both as individuals and teams. It calls for great skills and knowledge to make tough decisions when things turn out unfavorable. The people one is leading or managing will not always give maximum cooperation to their leader; some will tend to give a headache to their leaders like for example Kevin in this case. Human resource concept is all about managing people to do their work effectively in an organization to ensure the goals and the objectives of the organization are achieved. Policies and processes are usually put in place to ensure both the organization and its employees achieve their goals. Human resource is all about maintaining the workforce and making sure they deliver effectively for the good of the company.
As the acting boss and rather the leader of this project in our organization, I will consider the concept of managing people first; I would approach Kevin and try to understand what is the problem, why he is not attending project meetings, why he is submitting poor quality work and why is he not keeping deadlines which are affecting the other members' work. This would help me get the root of the problem with Kevin and get to know how I can solve this. The other Human resource or leadership concept is putting policies and measures to ensure employees deliver their very best. After understanding the problem with Kevin I will know what measures to put in place to assist him in his work to ensure the project is a success.
As the acting boss, I will do all that I can do to make sure everybody participating in the project is happy and feels that their efforts are appreciated. My overall approach would be getting a solution to Kevin's problem and getting the project done. I will, therefore, use all the power bestowed upon me by my boss to get the work done. This would involve even delegating some of Kevin's work to other people who are willing to help although others are already angry at me and Kevin and cannot agree to help. I would face my boss and request for an extension on the deadline to provide more time to do the work and factor Kevin in and his work. According to what I learned in class on leadership and managing people, it's all about sacrifice and be ready to incorporate the problems and interests of other people.
It calls for patience and humility for one to be able to lead others. As the leader, I would encourage my project members to sacrifice their time and energy and help Kevin deliver quality work. I would also ask my boss to be patient with us and extend the deadline to incorporate the work of everybody. As the leader of the project, I would delegate some of Kevin's work to other group members who are willing to help; I would also approach...
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