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Nike Is Accused Of Promoting Gender Discrimination

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Please give me the 4 diverse articles you choose before Thuesday 4:00pm, my professor should check these articles at Thuesday first. But the essay can give me just before the due. The requirements of this essay are in the document i uploaded, just check it. Thank you.

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Name: Institution Affiliation: Instructor: Course: Date: Short Paper Ethics refers to the accepted principles of right or wrong which govern the conduct of a person. Usually, when a situation arises which requires an individual or an organization to choose between alternatives of right or wrong is regarded as an ethical issue. Ethical management refers to corporate management that not only fulfills the economic goals and legal responsibilities but it also meets the ethical expectations imposed on the organization. Additionally, management ethics aids in establishing the ethical treatment of employees, members of the public and the stockholders by a company. This paper will examine an ethical issue in which Nike is accused of promoting gender discrimination. In the lawsuit filed against Nike by former female employees, the company is accused of paying and promoting women less than men and also fostering a hostile workplace for women employees (Hsu, p.4). Additionally, the woman maintains that the company did not punish male employees for sexual and verbal harassment. The issue is still evolving, Nike has filed a motion to dismiss the case but the court is yet to rule on the issue. There are several issues that are shaping this issue, they include poor salaries for women working in the organization and sexual abuse for female workers. This case has enabled me to understand how legal issues may arise in a diverse workforce and may also enable the organizations to understand what measures to implement to overcome discriminatory problems in their firms. The case is already in the litigation process, the women have filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court in Portland, Oregon. The women have claimed that the company is biased against women and that women are usually discriminated in terms or career advancement and payment (Woo, p.1). Additionally, the plaintiff stipulated that women have fewer opportunities than their male counterparts despite recording comparable performance. Furthermore, the suit also accuses the giant sports footwear and apparel company of not addressing sexual harassment against its female employees. This is a civil matter. Ordinarily, a civil case normally involves private disputes between individuals or organizations. In this particular issue, the matter is between Nike and its former employees. In which Nike is accused of biases and harassment of its workers while in their workplace. It is also important to mention that victims of abuse and assault, whether physical, psychological or sexual may be able to file a civil lawsuit. The different parties involved in this case have varying positions. The plaintiff insists that they were unfairly treated by the management as well as by their male colleagues. They reported that performed similar roles to those of the male workers, yet they received less pay. Additio...
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