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U.S and Venezuela Collaboration to Resolve Political Instability and Immigration Issues

Essay Instructions:

1. Find 4 Diverse news. (all must be dated after 1/22/19)
The 4 news should involve 4 different legal issues/cases/topics.
Send the 4 news’ links to me
2. Choose one news from the 4 diverse news you find as the basis for your paper. (you may use an additional article on the same subject as the article you choose for your paper, but that would be in addition to the four diverse news.)
3. Paper should be 2-3 pages.
4. Paper should include a cited page
5. Choose a law or legal issue from the news you choose to finish the paper and the paper should cover the following:
• a description of the law or legal issue
• whether the law or issue is well- settled or evolving;
• the social, cultural, economic or other influences shaping the law or legal issue
• how the issue impacts you or others.
6. Also, these questions should be covered and can help you organize your paper:
Is there a case in litigation?
Is this a matter that is civil, criminal and/or morally wrong?
What are the positions of the parties?
Who and/or what administrative or other agencies, entities, companies are involved?
Does the issue have an impact on politics, the economy, government, the individual? How?
Does the controversy/issue directly or indirectly involve the legislative, executive, and/or judicial branches of government?
Present both sides (or more) of the issue(s), controversy and/or positions of the parties?
What is the status of the case/controversy? What has already happened and where is the matter heading?
After you have completed your analysis, what side are you on? WHY?
7. In this paper, your analysis of the controversy/issue and your reasoning as well as the diversity in the articles you submit are very important.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Diverse news
Part 1: 4 Diverse news
* Trump is sending humanitarian aid to Venezuela. Venezuelans in the US say they need help, too
* Brexit: Theresa May urges Tory MPs to unite and back deal
* Militants using civilians as human shields delay capture of final IS enclave Baghuz
* Brazil dam disaster: police arrest eight employees of the mining company
Part II: Law or Legal Issue
Trump is sending humanitarian aid to Venezuela. Venezuelans in the US say they need help, too: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/02/16/us/venezuelans-asylum/index.html
Diverse and major happenings occur everywhere across the World from time to time. In this study, the primary focus is to highlight major breaking news in the last few days and the dynamics that are involved in law and other legal issues. In this case, the main point in the article that we are focusing on is the situation in America and Venezuela and the kind of approach taken by the American government in regards to Venezuelans residing in the United States.
According to a post from CNN by Catherine E. Shoichet, the American administration led by President Donald Trump is only focused in providing humanitarian aid to the Venezuelans living in Venezuela while at the same time forgetting to cater for those already in the US. Legally, the US government should as well take the responsibility and take care of the Venezuelans who have already fled into the country. Ideally, Congress should come to their rescue and adopt means that would also accommodate the Venezuelan immigrants in the US by offering them with humanitarian aid. In other words, the United States government should not only be concerned about the plight of the people of Venezuela in their country but should also be considerate to receive the Venezuelans fleeing persecution.
Interestingly, there is a legal problem according to American lawyers and advocates as they argue that even though the US government is criticizing President Nicholas Maduro’s rule, there is still a continuation of Venezuelans’ deportation. Therefore, the main issues are how the law will settle the situations given that Venezuelans who have already fled to the US should not be deported with the kind of political instability witnessed in Venezuela. The main fear currently with the people of Venezuela is that those who have already sought asylum, as well...
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