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Discussion: Legal Issues. Event Planning Case Study

Essay Instructions:

For discussion:

Chapter 11 of our textbook focuses on legal issues in meetings and events. I teach a whole other class (HFT3670) on risk management in the meetings industry if you're interested, but for now, let's discuss one of the most important topics in the field of liability: contracts.

Main Response (250 words minimum):

1. Identify a kind of contract into which a meeting planner would have to enter for the execution of a large-scale, city-wide event.

2. Based on your reading in Chapter 11, describe what elements are required for this contract to be enforceable (e.g. offer, acceptance, consideration, etc.). What would the consideration on each side of the type of contract you chose look like (e.g. money, services, promises, etc.)?

3. Does the type of contract you chose have to be in writing (i.e Statute of Frauds)? Why or why not?

4. What type of cancellation or termination clauses should a meeting planner request in the type of contract that you chose?

5. If a dispute should arise from the type of contract you chose, which of the four resolution methods discussed in Chapter 11 would be best, and why?


What type of contract into which a meeting planner would have to enter for the execution of a large-scale, city-wide event is the rose parade. The Rose Parade is hosted by the Pasadena tournament of roses. The parade includes flower-covered floats, marching bands, and equestrian units. The parade is followed in the afternoon by the Rose Bowl, one of the major bowl games in college football. The two parties that are entering the contract are the Pasadena tournament of roses and the city of Pasadena. In 2014, Pasadena tournament of roses offers “$1.3 million and $1 million to its top four executives” (Henry, 2017) to the city of Pasadena. The acceptance of the offer is done by the signing of the contract. What would the consideration on each side of the type of contract you chose to look like? The consideration that the Pasadena tournament of roses will get is the close off the parade route. The consideration that the city of Pasadena will get is money. Does the type of contract you chose have to be in writing? yes, I think that Pasadena tournament of roses would make a five-year contract. Because of this, the contract that is not to be performed within one year of the agreement has to be in writing. What type of cancellation or termination clauses should a meeting planner request in the type of contract that you chose is act of god? If a dispute should arise from the type of contract you chose, the best resolution method for them is arbitration. In arbitration, one or more arbiters are chosen to hear each party's side of the dispute and decide about the outcome.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Event Planning Case Study
The kind of contract which an event planner would get into contract for the execution of a large scale city event is the California Rodeo Salinas. The event is organized each year by California Rodeo Salinas and it brings people who participate and compete in different categories of activities. California Rodeo Salinas will get into contract with the town authorities to hold the event. They will the provision of security by the authorities and emergency services as a risk mitigation initiative. To make the contract enforceable, the element to be used should be consideration. Since the event organizer will raise money through entrance fee, they...
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