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People Force One Another To Be Crazy And Busy

Essay Instructions:

Read both of the following founders:

1."The busy trap" by Tim Kreider June 30, 2012, 3:15 am from "The New York Times"(The Opinion Pages, A Gathering of Opinion From Around the Web).

2. "Please Stop Complaining About How Busy You Are" by Meredith Fineman, September 02, 2013 - home management.

Submit a minimum four-page non-handwritten write-up:

-I'm interested in how these apply to you, i.e., do not just provide a synopsis.

-What you agreed with, what you didn't

-What one thing are you going to do differently as a result of these articles?

-What has any negative relationship with the time cost you?

Rate your positive relationship with time from 1(lowest) to 10

note: if you've taken a class with me before then write about how you've improved your relationship with time. If you've done nothing then write about why and what you plan to do.

MY NOTE: Please let me know if you have any question and respond to my email.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Instructor Course Date Crazy and Busy People do try to be excessively busy as they associate it with success. The same can be seen at job places where employees are forced to work for several hours. Similarly, children spend most of their time in schools acquiring education. This raises concern about how crazy is being busy as explained by Tim Kreider and Meredith Fineman in their articles ‘’The Busy Trap’’ and ‘’Please Stop Complaining About How Busy You Are’’ respectively. Kreider explains that time is the most important investment in a person’s life and as a result should be used effectively in doing what an individual loves most. Fineman, on the other hand, explains the importance of time management in avoiding being busy. Therefore, in this work, I will describe the application of the authors’ ideas and my opinion about them, and also my relationship with time. Kreider’s article helps in living a healthy life. The article explains that people force one another to be busy. Therefore, they do not enjoy being busy but views it as a virtue without realizing that it was invented by God as a punishment to human beings. What people call as being busy is exhaustion (Tim N.p). Nobody loves being busy, but they are forced to be as idleness is seen as an enemy to progress which is discouraged in the community. In conclusion, Kreider explains that life is too short to be busy. Hence, people should spend their time doing what they enjoy instead of being busy every moment. The same is seen when he describes that people will likely prefer sacrificing their busy time if they are called by friends to have some fun time which means nobody loves being busy. As a result, there is a need to destroy the current politico-economic system which prevents people from spending their time on what they love most. Similarly, Fineman describes the topic of being busy but brings a new approach to it which is time management. The author explains that people like to be associated with being busy as it suggests that a person is busier, is more in demand, and is more successful. Nevertheless, being busy harms the way we interact, communicate, and connect. A person who is too busy misses the important connection with friends and family as well as personal time (Meredith N.p). The challenge may lead to some serious mental problems which bring more burdens to society. Therefore, there is a need for people to manage their time to balance between being busy and doing activities such as socializing. The author suggests three ways of working smarter such as constrain the time, use a schedule, and avoid activities which are not helpful. I love the idea of time management as suggested by Fineman as a way of avoiding being busy. People should at least spend some of their time in productive activities. And the best way to achieve this is by managing time properly. There should be a balance between the time spend on being busy and on other activities which a...
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