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HRM Employee Retention And Recruitment

Essay Instructions:

Please write a short essay about the HRM. Please analyse the case study provided and answer the following question based on Employee Retention and Recruitment:

1. Using the learning material from the lectures identify recommendations to these issues.

2. What do think would be the top ten capabilities that an HR director/employer should have to be effective? Justify your choice.

Please read all documents that I upload for you. Read the case study, and answering these two questions. Also, please use materials that I uploaded for you to analyse.

Let me know if you have question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The HRM is the branch of an organization that is responsible for recruiting and retaining qualified staffs that can help the organization realize its objectives. The process of recruiting and retaining eligible employees enables an organization to increases its productivity. This paper discusses some of the HR issues outlined in a case study of Happy Hotels and offers practical recommendations to the problems. The qualities that an HR director should possess are also described below.
The case study provides some key HR issues lacking in Happy Hotels. The most obvious problem is the lack of an HR position within the management. The hotel management assumes the role of HR with no human resource management skills at all. The hotels are inadequately staffed evidenced by the long queues during check in and check out at the reception desks and the slow services at its restaurants. The hotels have employed unskilled or unprofessional workers who are not diligent at their jobs evidenced by the poor manner in which the rooms are maintained. The improper payment system for employees within the hotels is another key HR issue since the pay is neither dependent on the skills or experience but on one’s ability to negotiate their salaries. The discrimination of female shift managers in some branches in terms of pay is also another HR issue to be addressed. The lack of discipline among employees is noticeable by the regular absenteeism of employees because of sickness. The inability to retain experienced workers by the hotel management is worth noting as an HR issue. The lack of inclusion of the employees in decision making by the hotel's management is also related to HR issues.
The HR issues discussed above can be remedied as discussed below. An office of a professional HR should be created, or a human resources consultant be engaged to establish strategic human resource management policies for the hotels. The expansion of the hotels will invite a sizeable staff that should be appropriately managed to realize the goals of the hotel. The HR would also be able to advise the MD and the ...
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