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Provide My Self Performance Review: My Strengths, Weaknesses

Essay Instructions:


Subject is you.


Take home self-performance review Midterm in-place of in-class multiple choice 50 question exam. It can be based only your current job or collectively on all your jobs you've held as an adult.


It’s becoming more common to write your own reviews, especially in medium to large companies. Know that it’s a necessary skill to convey your strengths and weaknesses both verbally and in writing.

Do you see how exercise benefits you, especially after you finish the class, more than me?


Due Wednesday, May 1st in class. There is no class on Monday, April 29th.

Minimum five pages single-spaced. Separate sections with headers, paragraphs, etc.

Staple it.

Proofread once for content and feel, a second time for grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Address the following, but you do not need to limit it to these topics:

Specific working strengths and character traits.

Specific weaknesses

Imagine you’re interviewing for your ideal job, why should they select you?

Use results from completed class assignments

Use numbers

Google “how to write a self-performance review (or something similar) to get ideas.

** Is the quality you submit worthy of one you would submit to a potential employer? Imagine big money and opportunity is at stake when completing this assignment.

Note, "Assume that I am a supervisor in the administrative department for a company called Columbia distributive. Any question please let me know. Thanks for all your help.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title of Unit
A self-assessment review is a very important process which is used in a variety of purposes. It is a process which enables a given person or entity to reflect upon their performance so as to determine their strengths and in order to strategize on how to work on/ improve on their weaknesses. This paper will provide my self-performance review, whereby I seek to critically evaluate and review myself in regard to my performance at the workplace, in specific consideration to specific issues such as my strengths, weaknesses among others.
To begin with I am a 25-year-old student currently at the University of Michigan. I have been working alongside my studies since I was of the age of 18. When talking about my strengths, first and foremost, I am an employee with a huge dedication in my work. I drive my dedication from the desire to achieve my goals as well the overall goals of my place of work among many other factors. I am not only dedicated to achieving goals only but also to build on my personal skills and knowledge of work as well as those of my fellow employees. My dedication can be generally be described as intrinsic because most of the time, I do not struggle to find the motivation but instead, it is usually emanating from within.
It is through dedication that I am able to improve on my personal skills and knowledge and those of my colleague workers. I usually strive every moment to know the exact criteria which I can use to sharpen my knowledge and skills in my place of work. I am ever constantly researching, consulting and seeking, by all means, possible, to know where I am getting it wrong in my place of work and what I can constantly do to improve on my skills of work. It, therefore, means that not only does my dedication entail my goals but also on how to generally improve myself as a worker.
I believe that the growth of other employees is equally as important as my personal growth. When my fellow employees improve on their skills and knowledge and in the end, their results are improved, the overall performance of the organization is greatly enhanced and the firm will be at a better position to achieve its goals and aims. Therefore I take a lot of pride in seeing my fellow employees also improve on their skills and knowledge of work. It is because of the reason that helping my fellow employees to grow is usually one of my core aims wherever I am working on.
I am a good communicator. I am capable of rallying the other team members whenever cooperation is required so as to meet a certain set of deadlines. Assuming that it is a peak season, and the customer flow to the firm is high and yet the number of employees remains constant, it will certainly mean that the employees will be tasked with a lot to do so as to have all the activities done and additionally in order to maximize from the peak periods of customer numbers. It is during such times that the employees are provided with extra activities as well as strict deadlines to beat. It may be so cumbersome during such times for employees and many employees usually get it so hectic and they require some sort of extra motivation and rallying, in order to be able to meet their deadlines and in order for them to be able to accomplish effectively and efficiently their goals. During such a time I am usually a person who can be banked on to rally other employees and to provide any necessary communication to the rest of the team members on any set of matters/ issues which will help to foster the overall aspects such as unity, coordination, motivation and dedication of the employees so as to achieve the goals of the organization as per the set deadlines.
Elsewhere I am a creative thinker. I have the ability to invent/ craft solutions which can be used in the overall improvement of the usual way of doing things. In the majority of our firms today, the same old ways have been used to do things for a long time and the results of such techniques could be obsolete or could be less effective as time goes by. It is because of such a reason that truly there is need to constantly innovate and to invent new ways and ideas on how to perform some tasks so as to get different results which are better and more reliable. I am an example of such a person who can invent new ways of doing various things in an organization at various points of needs. My creative thinking often provides a way/ ways to make the performance of an organization even better, through enhanced end results of processes which are undertaken using the newly invented ways.
I am a stickler of time and believer of working early in advance before the deadlines. Since my debut in the working industry, I have always found the character of working early enough in advance as very helpful and very important in a place of work. when an employee gets to organize themselves and accomplish on time the tasks that have been delegated to them on time, they are able to go through their work, in order to identify the areas which require some sort of amendments or review which can then be done before the final work is submitted. When such work has been given such due attention its results are usually good and desirable and therefore an employee is usually at a position to shine in their place of work. It is because of such a reason that I believe in being a strict stickler of time and deadlines in my place of work so as to achieve my goals and desires.
Whenever I am usually given any task to achieve I usually seek to be aware of the deadline of the job/ task. It is from there that I can be able to plan myself on how to undertake the work based on the manner in which I will desire to subdivide the work into smaller bits. Ultimately my aim is usually to ensure that I deliver the work early enough, probably even before half the time stipulated so as to ensure that the issue of timing and deadline is not a challenge to me.
In case I meet downfall in my place of work, I usually take it as a motivation to make me even work harder so as to ensure that I identify the areas which challenged me, I work on them before finally bouncing back to my normal performance. I am the kind of a person who is not easily discouraged by downfalls and stumbling blocks but instead, I usually convert them to hurdles and bridges which connect me to my further and bigger success. It is prudent to note that the existence of any challenges usually is meant to make one even better in what they are doing. However on the other hand, if one takes them negatively they might end up being discouraged and therefore they may end up being affected negatively in their various works.
It is only prudent if we can be able to usually use such hurdles in our place of work, to gain more insight, knowledge, and skills which can make us as human beings to be even better employees in our various places of work. Nevertheless, in order to deal with various challenges which employees face, the input of various stakeholders such as the management and the owners are absolutely critical in ensuring that the employees are comfortable in their places of work which will, in turn, lead to even better output from such employees in an organization.
Additionally, I am a person who is easy to delegate duties to and I can work under minimum supervision. Whenever I am delegated various duties I usually seek enough clarification on what I ought to do and at the end of the day, it is usually easy for me to undertake my duties and there is usually no need for my senior who has delegated the work to me to keep on following up on the work. Alternatively, I usually do not keep on looking fo0r clarifications from my senior because usually seek for such clarifications at the beginning i.e. when the work is delegated to me, and after that, I usually concentrate on my work...
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