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The Autobiography Essay is for Human Resource (HR/HRM) Classes

Essay Instructions:

Note: This essay is for Human Resource (HR/HRM) classes. T 

From the Instructor.

I need to cover the following:

What experiences in your life have been the most important in forming who you are today? Be specific about behaviors and events that have formed you.

What three values or ideas do you hold most dear and why? Reflect on how early childhood formed your values.

As authentically as possible, describe what you think your legacy in life will or should be. For example, imagine you are 20 minutes from taking your dying breath. What do you wish to have contributed or done in this life?

How does your character and upbringing show up in the workplace? For example, how do yopur strengths and weaknesses and overall character affect employees, coworkers, and managers? Be sure to reference the three self-tests which is "Crazy and Busy" articles, "Jung Typology", "Big Five Project Personality Test" and "Value-Sort Activity"

Instructor Instructions.

You do not need to reveal parts of your life that you are not comfortable revealing. Find a way to share your autobiography that protects any details that you are not comfortable sharing. You need to specific and behavioral, avoid writing "I feel strongly about honesty" rather, tell why honesty is important to you and give examples from your life, e.g. "when I was ten my mom make me return a candy bar to the store because I took it without paying. She said that my honor is all I really have in life and if I protect it, people will trust me." This is an essay, so I expect an introduction and a conclusion. Do not simply answer each question.

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The Autobiography
My name is AB and I was born in a small town, Cb in the year xxxx. I am the second born in a family of four. The place I grew up in and the different events that have taken place in my life have had quite a significance in the person I am today. My father a sales and marketing director at his firm was the breadwinner of our family. I quickly learned of the powers that an employer had. these kinds of discussions at the dinner table made me gain the interest of becoming a great businessman of diligence. My father saw to it that we got the best of education there was. I am very proud of him and I owe him almost all the success I have achieved in life up to this point.
Notably both my parents gave me a lot of essential support and knowledgeable lessons that I will forever hold dearly. My father taught me how to be honest, independent and fearless. Following his examples, I got to learn how to be focused on what I chose to do. And to look for solutions for whichever situations I find myself in calmly. My mother, on the other hand, taught me on respect and care to other people. My parents were and still, are my first role models. I got to follow their examples as I tried to be a good person. They taught me all about love and care for others. I would assist my younger sister with her homework every evening and always made sure that my grandparents had everything they needed.
Through participating in the school’s football, I learned a lot of incredible things. The game basically changed my whole attitude and perspective of life. I used to be shy and had quite a low esteem in myself and would turn down any offer I was presented with during my first year as a freshman in high school. Evidently, in joining football, everything about that changed. On the very first day of practice, the team warmed up with a game. As the game was going on however, it dawned on me that I wasn’t as fast as I thought I was and couldn’t escape the defender. I really did not want to catch the ball afraid that it might fall and my team would lose leading to me being blamed or removed from the team on my very first game. That incident made me even more scared throughout my first year of high school. I avoided asking questions in class with the thought that they may be deemed stupid by my classmates as well as the teacher. Anyway, I continued with football practice but went home every day with a heavy mind and physically too tired.
My behavior did not change any sooner for I continued fearing getting a spot in the game as a substitute in cases of an injury or emergency on another player. I couldn’t bring myself to being blamed in the case that we lost a game or I made a mistake while in the field. However, my fears came true when during my middle year in high school I had to play a lot and made those mistakes regarding my position as a backup. Even though most of the mistakes I made were not that important or bad, I was heavily blamed for them during practice.
These events made me even more scared to face my fears. Withal, I did not make mistakes all the time because at times I played a very good game that led to lots of congratulations. As I headed into my final year in school, I got to play even more games and was better at them at the starting positions instead of my usual backups. This builds up my confidence and made me feel like a completely new person.
As a game, football has taught me a lot in life and that includes what one has to do in order to excel. Through the hours and lots of practice, I developed an ethic of working hard. I got to learn how to relate well with people through my teammates and the coach because cooperation in the field is necessary as well as a person’s place of work. Most importantly, I also gain the self-confidence that I lacked and got to know that no matter how many times I fail, the goal is always to get up dust myself and try again and again for its okay for one to fail in order to win. As from my coaches’ words that nothing is impossible in this life, I believe him now. Winning or failing isn’t the goal. The greatest achievement is how many times did one try for them to get to victory. That is quite an experience that formed me into the person that I am today.
My father as much as he was a managing director in his firm, loved the kitchen a lot. I cannot remember a time that I missed him in the kitchen during the weekends. His cooking skills are what influenced me in the kitchen for they were fascinating. Luckily, I got to learn a lot of cooking from him. Aside from that, he taught me a special lesson that the kitchen is not only meant for women. My mother was not a great cook as he was and as a matter of fact, she got to learn from him too. I am proud of the skills I garnered from him because I was now able to create something I imagined in my mind to my hands. Even though when I left for college, I thought that I would lose touch with this skill, I was lucky to be allowed at the cafeteria kitchen where I also made extra money for my allowance. This specific event formed me into who I am today too.
In college, I found myself in a multinational surrounding and got to make friends from around the globe. Through them, I had the chance of learning new cultures. I took a business course and majored in economics. Even though some of the subjects were somehow difficult for my understanding I strived to excel. I used a lot of my free time while not working at the cafeteria in the library researching new business ideas and the Economics course at large. Values are the worthwhile considered qualities that are a significant drive in a person’s life. In my life, I’ve got quite a number of them. They were as a result of the way I was brought up, the principles and stands I have about life and how I socialize with others. These values influence the choices I make in my day to day life and the visions and plans I have for the future.
Achievement has always been one of my greatest values this s due to the determination that I have in succeeding as a person and my wish of making a positive change or contribution to society at large. In today’s world, success and achievement go hand in hand with the success that one gets through education. This has made me so proud of my educational successes for it is where my motivation in striving to make society a better place comes from. Notably, I also value meaningful friendships for great friends can help someone get to their dreams or goals in life and might even be sometimes closer than blood relations. In this case, I have invested a lot in my circle of close friends. I am always present at their significant occasions and moments such as weddings, birthdays and even at the worst of them which is funerals. I’m always up to speed with how they are fairing on in life and get to offer assistance where need be.
Personal development and growth are also a value that I hold dearly. It is my belief that if I do not attempt to continuously improve my life and self in general, then everything else is not worth it. This value has a great effect on my daily life in matters of relating with other people and especially people I am meeting for the first time. It is my mantra that if the people I’m meeting for the first time are of no value to my life I just don’t waste my time with them any longer. As a young child I would normally get panic attacks, a situation I never understood until I was in my teenage years. I used to believe that maybe I was cursed and that made me a lot superstitious. I would get the attacks anywhere anytime. They would hit me with this feeling of sickness and dizziness and I couldn’t concentrate because I could not quite comprehend what was going on. Notably, the more I tried to fight it off is the more the feelings got stronger. Relaxation is what would help me calm down.
One day a friend invited me to church for choir practice and it is there that I really found my peace. whenever I experienced an attack, I’d start humming my favorite song and suddenly the feeling would disappear. That is where I gave my life to Christ and now I highly value religion. Engaging in some religious educations is one of my spiritual values. my values in religion have really helped me in in the decisions that I make in life for I cannot choose something that contradicts my faith. Additionally, these values have really helped me in being more appreciative and reflective in my life.
My pasts experiences are undeniable. There was more to my childhood than just a learning experience. Those are one of my greatest memories. They are unforgettable experiences of shame, fear, pain, forgiveness, loss, freedom, happiness and achievements just to mention but a few. These are basically the things that made me step ahead in life each day. I failed many times as a child. There were days that were filled with joy and laughter and there were the worst days that came along too. But through it, all my friends and family stood by me and taught me to keep on. Ignoring what other people might think of me is one thing I greatly hold dear.
It is clear that we most definitely want to be remembered for something to be known not just like an ordinary person and to be perceived as someone who truly made a difference in people and society. We want to leave a mark in this world and leave something behind that can change the future and make it even better. From the time we are young, we are constantly reminded how special we are and that we are destined for greatness. Additionally, we are assured that we can face the world head on and whatever we really want, we are going to achie...
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