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Value Sorting Activity Management Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Here is the link regarding this assignment. http://thegoodproject(dot)org/toolkits-curricula/the-goodworktoolkit/value-sort-activity/.

I'm attaching 2 printouts of my results and the instructor wants to write two pages on how I feel about it. That is, do you agree, disagree, examples of how it's accurate. etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Value Sorting Activity
Values play a great role in our lives. We all have values and the values we have can be different from the values upheld by other people such as our friends, co-workers and relatives. In my view, there are some values which are so important to us. These values are applied in our daily interactions and they will often determine success in our lives. In my case, I did the ranking of my values according to what I do view as important and all these values are intended to help me realize my personal goals.
The most important values that I chose are faith, hard work and commitment, honesty and integrity and spirituality. Faith can be defined as a belief that you have about yourself or somebody. In my view, faith is all about believing in what you are doing at a particular time. When you have faith in what you are doing, then there is high possibility that you will work hard towards making the thing successful. Working hard will often require you to be committed. I also believe that integrity is very important in whatever you do. Integrity should guide each of the decisions you are making. If you are pursuing something and along a certain point you are forced to do something that conflicts with the value of integrity that you uphold, it is then important that you do away with it. Another important value that identified in the value sort activity is spirituality. Human beings are spiritual beings. Spirituality involves connecting to your inner self and realizing the importance of leading a good life. I also believe in God and I do believe that God is the guide in each of the activities I have undertaken. Without the guidance of God, it is very difficult for us to arrive at our destination. The result obtained for the second time also appear to be in line with the ones obtained during the first time. However, there are some values such as personal growth and learning which also came up as the most important values. It is very difficult for one to succeed in life without looking out for ways of improving themselves. As a way of improving yourself, you will need to take part in the learning process.
My most important values in both cases also appear to differ from the others. In my view, I do not believe in pursuing broad interests. I believe in pursuing one thing at a time and working on it so that you can bring it to perfection. This will help you save so much time since you will be committed to one thing at a time and there are high chances that y...
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