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Discussion Paper Leader like Nooyi influence PepsiCo's

Essay Instructions:

Please answer these two questions and write in the separate paragraphs.

1. How might a leader like Nooyi influence PepsiCo's use of P-O-L-C tools beyond her obvious role in the leadership dimension?

2. How much passion does Nooyi seem to bring to her role as CEO of PepsiCo?

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Discussion Paper
1 How might a leader like Nooyi influence PepsiCo's use of P-O-L-C tools beyond her obvious role in the leadership dimension?
Nooyi can influence PepsiCo’s use of P-O-L-C tools through her vision. For example, when Nooyi was nominated to the coveted position of CEO, she transformed the company’s way of doing business. In this case, the Nooyi led the acquisition of two companies namely Quaker Oats and Tropicana. The main motive of acquiring these two companies was to enhance PepsiCo’s products by making them healthy and nutritious for consumption. Nooyi’s strategy of making PepsiCo’s products healthy has made the company remain profitable and better than it was before. Moreover, Nooyi’s past track record has made workers at PepsiCo feel motivated to perform better. Notably, the acquisition of the two product lines has made PepsiCo a better company than its competitors. Accordingly, Nooyi aims at packaging PepsiCo’s products in environmentally friendly bottles as compared to those used by her competitors.
Arguably, Nooyi’s leadership skills can influence PepsiCo to apply the P-O-C-L tools, thus prompting the company to grow. For example, the fact that Nooyi does not take “I don’t know” for an answer is an indication that she is capable of influencing the growth of PepsiCo. To prevent the company from spending more money when purchasing products, Nooyi contended that the company should look for alternatives, which were cheaper. In this case, Nooyi argued that the company should consider using rice and bran instead of palm oil because it was expensive...
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