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Case Analysis 2. Business Scenario Analysis. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

In a 4 page paper, you will analyze a business scenario in which you are expected to scrutinize a case study and prepare strategies and tactics that the firm should employ in the future. Your analysis will include relevant background information gathered through the case and additional research, well thought out responses to case questions, and your recommendations for the company.

Your paper should be professionally formatted and free of errors (punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, capitalization, etc.).

Select one of the attached cases and in your paper:

1. Summarize the situation (high-level overview of the key issues/situation)

2. Answer the case questions, using knowledge and details from the course, your own experiences, with support from the course textbook and outside research.

3. Offer your recommendations related to the situation, with support to justify your position.

4. A properly formatted (MLA or APA) list of resource (Guidelines for citations: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/)

MGMT 301 Cases for Analysis #2.docx

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Scenario Analysis
Student`s Name
Are We a Team?
Situation Summary
The picture painted from the scenario espoused by the CIO regarding the organization is baffling. It ranges from a resigned attitude of employees, unmotivated staff, a poor communication plan, bad leadership skills, and styles. Moreover, it paints a picture of an organization that has talents from employees, yet they are not able to meet utility levels of the firm. The paradox of having good recruited skills yet targets not meet is mysterious. To achieve the desired goal, the CIO must make drastic but diplomatic changes as would be addressed herein below using examples from best practices of organizational cultures, team spirits, employees' satisfaction, motivation, and engagement. The model that would be applied would thus be simple human resource management skills on leadership for both the short term and long terms goals.
Question One
A dysfunctional team, for lack of a better word, is what can be described on the situation advocated by the new CIO of the organization. There are several reason that can be given for team dysfunctionality ranging from negative team spirit, leadership skills, poor communication strategies, and general employee issues. Thompson 2019 contend that effective communication within an organization increases productivity, boost the morale of the workforce hence create a positive workplace atmosphere. Further, she advances that effective communication enhances team cohesion by building trust and an understanding of roles and responsibilities. From the case elucidated by the CIO, there was clear absence or lack of adequate communication. While taking the thoughts of departmental heads and regional leaders, he established that the former CIO agreed with almost everybody on the issues they raised. This was at a personal level meaning there were no shared ideas. The same breakdown in communication as visible during general meetings where people could be using their gadgets while the speaker was addressing people.
Conversely, it is visible from the lamentation of the new CIO of the organization lacked a serious set out organizational culture that both the employees and their leaders could adhere to for productivity of the firm. Corporate culture is the underlying customs, traditions, beliefs, and values, code of conduct, and philosophy that creates the general psychological and social environment within an organization (Johnson & Szamosi, 2018). Lack of organizational culture made the team very dysfunctional since they lacked a shared value system, culture and philosophy to jointly drive them. The leader at the same time did not conform to such a culture thus disorienting teamwork and team spirit.
The team lacked team spirit where employees could face challenges as a team and offer solutions, or coordinate a plan to achieve an objective or mission statement of the firm. Such a spirit identified that the team lacked sufficient motivation to do their tasks, there were no employee engagements, and thus they were not satisfied or motivated to function effectively.
Question Two
The team evolved to low levels of cooperation and cohesiveness due to lack of effective team leadership skills and qualities, degenerating communication, undefined roles and responsibilities of employees and unmotivated/satisfied workforce. The first case of the deterioration of the team cooperation and cohesiveness was in the poor leadership skills of the former CIO. According to Mishra 2018, leadership at the organizational level is a dual-focused module which looks at the interest of individual employees and that of the organization with the aim of maximizing the strengths at both ends while adjusting weaknesses. Further, the author professes that effective leadership should look at the best interest of the individual employee and that of the entire group. The team thus deteriorated since the leader did not have a world view of the organization's mission, vision, objectives, and expectations both in the long run and the short run. The leadership lacked formulae to scout for strengths of individuals, and the group through talent, skills, and knowledge of group members to assign tasks and responsibilities accordingly.
The team consequently declined due to poor communication of the leader and team members. Trivisonno and Barling 2016 advance that communication in leadership is a tool which people should use to interface with the rest of Mother Nature; thus emails, texts, and calls are just mediums of communication. They posit that communication should entail values, beliefs, assumptions, and expectations of people with hum we communicate. Such a rule or methodology in communication was missing in the group thus low cooperation and cohesion in the team. Once the leadership failed, then communication deteriorated, the team was faced with a lack of motivation in the workplace. Employees were not motivated; they lacked ambition, engagement, and satisfaction in their respective work experiences. Moreover, the employees now seemed not to have clear roles and responsibilities which they should be executing thus tainting a bad image of the entire team or working staff.
According to Bogle 2018 leadership is the genesis of the success of an organization and team...
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