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Ethical Behavior in Business

Essay Instructions:

In a 2-4 page paper, select an article from an approved business publication (see list provided below) published in the previous 30 days, summarize the article in your own words (no more than half of the paper) and clearly identify and explain one or two topics from the course readings that are explained, highlighted, or demonstrated in the article (with clear and specific identification and explanation of the topic). You must include a properly formatted Works Cited/Reference page (MLA or APA accepted).

Approved business publications for the paper: Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fortune, Money, Fast Company, Inc., The Economist, Harvard Business Review, and Kiplinger's (others only with prior approval).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Course Instructor Date Ethical Behavior in Business Article Summary An article by Janine Schindler appearing on Forbes on January 30, 2019, titled “Creating an Ethical Workplace May not be easy, but is it Critical? Yea, it is” highlights the importance of ensuring ethics in the modern workplace. The author begins by observing that the business environment today is difficult hence it is easy to overlook ethical dilemmas which arise in the workplace due to sheer exasperation. However, businesses that make efforts to treat their workers in a fair manner usually get the benefits of having workers who internalize the ethical values of the company (Schindler 1). The writer notes that unethical behavior is not merely black and white. On the contrary, numerous shades of grey exist which may cause a business to be plagued by unethical behavior. For instance, a manager may decide to push the salespeople to undertake a shoddy product instead of informing the engineering department regarding the faults. Such managers may think they are doing a favor to the company by getting rid of the stock in the warehouse or eyeing a fat bonus due to more sales. Given the adverse effects of unethical behavior, Schindler encourages companies to embrace ethical behavior. The author believes that without adhering to ethics in the workplace, an organization can easily slide down the slippery slope (Schindler 1). Hence, organizations should encourage ethical behavior by creating a tangible definition of what ethical behavior is and what it is not. Secondly, companies should embed checks and balances on their critical procedures. The move will diminish the probability of employees being tempted to push the limits of ethical behavior. Thirdly, the author advocates for the employees who break trust to face the consequences. Failure to do so will send the wrong message to the colleagues that it is okay to do so (Schindler 1). However, reprimanding an employee for unethical behavior will paint a picture that the business is serious about upholding its ethical commitments. Lastly, it is critical to train employees on ethics. Employees should know about the adverse effects of unethical behavior and ways of avoiding it. Connection to Course Readings The article is closely related to chapter four of the course reading discusses ethics and social responsibility. The chapter indicates that about 75% of employees admit that they have engaged in some form of unethical behavior in the workplace. Such unethical acts cost companies about $3.7 trillion annually. Schindler (1) supports the assertion by indicating that engaging in unethical behavior has adverse effects ...
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