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Response to Questions. Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer:

Recently i placed an order called case creation which you wrote that for me. After i submitted to my professor, she emailed me several questions in person about the case. Can you help me reply her? You can write your response in a word document, but i think she needs some perfect explanations.

Following is what she wrote in the email(please take a look):

"I would prefer to have you answer some questions directly and in person. How have you progressed so far with your final project on Saudi Arabia? What are you finding out about the following questions you put in the proposal - which don't seem to address the issue of ageing. They appear very general and not focused on what the assignment is about. Also - why do you refer to yourself in the 3rd person as 'the researcher'?"

This is the three questions you wrote in the case:

1.Why is it important for foreign companies to understand the market environment in KSA before tending to invest in KSA?

2.What will be the best market entry strategy for companies tending to invest in KSA?

3.How has Saudization affected employee recruitment and retention?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Response to Questions
Dear client, in “the case creation,” we stated that Saudi Arabia has young rich vibrant consumers ageing between twenty-four and fifty years. This are mainly young active buyers and also in the working bracket. They will be source of labor and consumers for our product. This age bracket is also elite and by targeting it as our primary consumers, we intend to progress with them to adulthood and maintain long-term bonds with them. We will also be able to understand their behavior changes as they age and provide alternative or parallel products to market to them throughout the period we will be in the country. Regarding referring to yourself as “the researcher,” you expect that other people will also read this paper. It is not restricted to those that know you alone.
1 Why is it important for foreign companies to understand the market environment in KSA before tending to invest in KSA?
Saudi Arabia is mainly a Muslim country a culture different to that in the United States. Cultures affect the marketing strategies as well as recruitment procedures. Understanding the market environment before investing in the country will help the country determine the best foreign market entry strategy. The company will decide whether to invest directly or through joint ventures with the local companies. The comp...
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