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EBay's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Alignment with My Professional Ethics Statement

Essay Instructions:

#GEA2: Corporate Ethics Assessment
Using the insights from the lectures, case discussions, and your professional ethics statement as a foundation; this assignment asks you to reflect on the ethical posture of a multinational corporation. You will research a multinational company and investigate its ethical policies and practices. These polices can normally be found using a Google search. 
This assignment is worth 150 points and counts for 15% of your final grade. It will be graded for both content and writing (e.g., grammar).  Minimum word count: 800 for new content.• For this assignment, please submit your essay to Canvas by the end of Sunday in Week 15.• You are advised to structure each step (#1-4) in a separate section of your essay, with each section clearly labeled.• This assignment is individual-based, and you should complete it yourself. Do NOT consult any of your classmates.1) Include your Professional Ethics Statement from GenEd Assignment #1 (step 2).• You should revise it to incorporate instructor feedback (if any). • Your statement needs to be complete (check on example statement shells provided in Assignment #1 instructions), but it does not need to include additional justifications.
2) Choose a multinational corporation. Linkable list of multinational corporations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_multinational_corporations. You may choose a company outside this list. • Include a link to the company’s page of corporate ethics policy or code of conduct. Do not choose the company’s corporate social responsibility policy/report. • Write a summary of the most salient information that describes the corporation’s ethical policy or code of conduct.i) Summarize and synthesize the salient policies. If they have listed a great number of policies, organize your summary based on common themes you can identify rather than explaining the policies one by one.ii) Use your own words. Be concise but not too concise (e.g., just listing the values). DO NOT COPY AND PASTE; PARAPHRASE IN YOUR OWN WORDS!
3) Describe and evaluate how this multinational company’s corporate ethical policies, values, and perspectives may differ across different cultural groups, or how this company’s corporate practices and ethic statement addresses cultural and legal issues that may vary across nations or cultural groups.• Stay focused on this company’s policies; do not venture into culture differences in general or differences of this company versus other companies.• Address specific policies and provide specific examples to support your claims.
4) Compare and contrast this multinational company’s corporate ethical policies, values, and perspectives versus your Professional Ethics Statement.  • How are they similar or different?• Based on this comparison would you be a good fit to work for this company? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
#GEA2: Corporate Ethics Statement
Professional Ethics Statement (GEA#1)
In a snap, I think my work-life values encompass integrity, trustworthiness, adaptability, responsibility, and dependability. Integrity and reliability are essential because they lead to honest and professional relationships within work environments. I find adaptability vital because it enables me to work in different environments and diverse teams. Dependability implies that team members can rely on me to take responsibility for my share of work and offer support. Taking responsibility is what makes an individual dependable. I intend to harness the power of these values to navigate the professional journey. It will also assist in maintaining good relationships with my professional acquaintances. For instance, integrity and trustworthiness promote self-confidence, making me bold and candid in diverse environments. In order to gain the support of colleagues, one must first be dependable and responsible. I am always willing to acknowledge my shortcomings and expect others to do the same. I have been a dependable member in all group projects throughout my educational career, always being honest about what I can deliver with short timelines.
eBay: Corporate Ethics
eBay is an American global e-commerce company that eases business dealings between businesses and customers through its platform. The link to the company's page of corporate ethics policy or code of conduct is: https://static.ebayinc.com/assets/Uploads/Code-Of-Business-Conduct/Code-of-Business-Conduct-and-Ethics-English-062920.pdf?utm_source=301Redirect&utm_medium=301Redirect&utm_campaign=301Redirect
eBay's code of conduct can be divided into seven salient categories, each under an appropriate tagline: We are committed to our purpose, We are courageous, We are driven, We are inventive, We are our brand, We are richly diverse, and How we carry out our purpose. However, the most salient policies of eBay are those that relate to ethical business practices and promoting diversity. For instance, those ethical guidelines that fall under "We are committed to our purpose”, which defines the company's commitment to ensuring that: every activity complies with the law; all decisions are made after considering the ethical implications: every employee is empowered to speak up when laws are violated; and all accounts and records are produced in an accurate, prompt, complete, and comprehendible manner. The category also prohibits employee insider training, encourages a neutral stance when employees engage in political activities, and encourages proper interaction with the government and its officials.
Other salient policies faller under the tagline “We are courageous," which defines the company's commitment to preventing conflicts of interest among its employees. eBay has an intense policy guideline regarding conflicts of interest where employees are required to disclose and remove themselves from dealings that conflict with their interests and may affect their judgment when performing company duties. The category also highlights the company's stance against bribery and corruption concerning affiliations with government officials and reviewing business contracts (eBay).
The other salient category is “We are richly diverse," which generally asserts the company's commitment to diversity. eBay is commi...
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