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The Significance of Pursuing Labor Studies and Employment Relations

Essay Instructions:

We take your Perspectives application essay very seriously as we make our decisions about granting students a B.S. in Labor & Employment Relations. We want very much to know why you have chosen the degree, and how you see pursuing the degree as fitting into your future plans. This is essay is required in order to register for the Perspectives on Labor Studies course, and will affect our evaluation of whether or not you write well enough to succeed in an online writing-intensive section of the class.

Before you write the application essay

We would like you to consider these questions:
1. What Labor Studies courses have you had? What did you find interesting and important about these courses? What issues raised by these courses do you hope to pursue in future Labor Studies courses?
2. How does the Labor Studies major relate to your life and work experience? Is there a connection? Did Labor Studies courses help you understand your previous experiences better, or in a different way?
3. What are your future goals? How do you think the major will help you achieve these goals?
4. What do you think you can contribute to the labor studies field and to the community of people involved in the field of labor studies and employment relations? Why should Labor Studies value you as a participant?

After you have considered these questions
Write an essay conveying to us why are pursuing the degree. Please try to be specific and persuasive.
!! I will attach all the labor course that I took in the file section"

Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Student’s Name]
[Instructor’s Name]
[Course Title]
DATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" 10 December 2021
Course-Perspectives application
B.S. in Labor & Employment Relations
1. What Labor Studies courses have you had? What did you find interesting and important about these courses? What issues raised by these courses do you hope to pursue in future Labor Studies courses?
The courses I took are, introduction to Labor Studies and Employment Relations, Employment Law, short Topics on Work, Labor and Work before the end of Reconstruction, Latino Workers in the U.S., Dynamics of Work and Work organizations, Topics in American Studies and Career Management. The courses are interesting they highlight the relationship between Labor and Employment Relations and how the courses are relevant in work and the employment relationships. The career management course is helpful to learn more about career management and coaching necessary for professional development. I hope to deal with employment relationships and career management to support performance management. 2. How does the Labor Studies major relate to your life and work experience? Is there a connection? Did Labor Studies courses help you understand your previous experiences better, or in a different way?
 Understanding the factors affecting work-life balance and employee rights in the workplace and the courses helped me better understand the employment laws and workplace practices. Improving the working relations is essential to creating a good working environment.
3. What are your future goals? How do you think the major will help you achieve these goals?
Advance employee rights and support career management to promote professional growth and development. I look to improve my employment management and employee relations skills and continued learning opportunities to promote employment and labor relations in the workplace.
 4. What do you think you can contribute to the labor studies field and to the community of people involved in the field of labor studies and employment relations? Why should Labor Studies value you as a participant?
I would also love to make changes in the workplace by enhancing employee capabilities....
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