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Inequalities the People with Disability Still Face in the Workplace and in Society

Essay Instructions:

answer the question: Despite legislation to support inclusion and diversity, explain why people with disabilities still face inequalities in the workplace and in society. Your answer should be critical and discuss the main issues which sustain inequalities for people with disabilities.
PLEASE NOTE (I have specified that I would like 2 pages, however whatever is able to be done in 1 hour will suffice. I have a very strict time limit right now and must have whatever is written submitted within that 1 hour. Please make your best effort at completing the full 2 pages if you can)

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Despite legislation to support inclusion and diversity, explain why people with disabilities still face inequalities in the workplace and in society.
People with disabilities continue to experience some form of inequality in the world despite cries of inclusion and diversity. According to the World Bank, 15% of the world’s population happens to have a form of disability, and to many of these people, their disability becomes a reason why people treat them differently or consider them less capable. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, 60% of people in jail are said to have some form of disability. ACLU continues to indicate that in the U.S. still, people with disabilities seem to earn less than their counterparts. Such statistics mainly tell the story of a world that is negligent of those who happen to need its show of humanity. In other countries, people with disabilities have it rough and, in some cases, are deemed less human than others. Provided herein is a discussion of how governmental negligence, structural inequality, and people’s attitudes and assumptions regarding people with disabilities continue to perpetuate inequality in the workplace and in society.
Governments all over the world have the mandate to protect and ensure the humanness of every individual is protected. The inequality directed at people with disabilities simply shows how governments have failed to protect everyone. Saba notes that in Austria, the government has set apart 4% of all public and private-sector jobs for people with long-term disabilities. Such a move was a win for the community. However, why have other countries neglected their role in helping to level the playground for people with disabilities? Saba continues to indicate that such directives from governments have been rare, and this leaves people with disabilities with no support in many countries. Governments need to step in and squash the stereotypes often directed against people with disabi...
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