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Summary of a Documentary-Like Film American Tongues

Essay Instructions:

Based on the documentary American Tongues; available online on Kanopy via UCI Library. (Basic film summary along with your personal opinion, except one)

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American Tongues Summary
This is a documentary-like film produced in 1988 with sociolinguistic themes that examine the English dialects within America. The producer of the film was Louis Alverez and Andrew Kolker. It is a film rich in sarcasm and humor and reveals the people’s attitudes through language prism. It centers on the individual, showing what shapes our attitudes towards other people based on how they speak. The film includes characters, mainly young American professionals from Boston Brahmins, Texas, New York, Black Louisiana. Notably, American Tongues brings humor to life with a critical focus on what informs people’s decision or attitudes towards others. It is also a shocking movie because of the American English dialects that we have never known before. Through the film, we learn that dialect is an essential part of one’s identity, a theme seen across the documentary. Another important thing is that all societies have differences in how they speak their language based on the geography or sociological context they live in (Alvarez and Kolker).
One of the evident things as one watches the film is that it is self-explanatory. Through the film, the audience can understand and appreciate the importance of diversity in the American English language. It reflects how the dialects function within American society, including the incentives being employed by individuals to handle people they differ in the way they speak. There are also controversies arising from the different English dialects and can be understood from other subjects, including history, social studies, linguistics, psychology...
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