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An Indigenous Person Living in A City May Not Be as Connected to Indigenous Systems Compared to Those Who Live on Their Homelands

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is due 11:59 PM on 6 November 2020

You will use MLA bibliographic style.

For this assignment you are required to investigate a topic; collect and evaluate evidence, establish a position on the topic, and present that position in a concise manner.

Please address this statement in direct and Specific reference to Jonny Appleseed:

“An Indigenous person living in a city may not be as connected to Indigenous systems compared to those who live on their homelands”.

This short essay will be comprised of: a very concisely argued, and properly cited, argument brought together coherently and logically in a manner designed to convince your reader. It will include reference to at least three peer-reviewed journal articles (two of these must not be on the course reading list).

Failing to frame your argument around Jonny Appleseed will prevent you from earning a passing grade.

Assignment Instructions

An academic argument does not present the writer’s experiences, emotions, and values.

Explaining how you feel about the topic or your opinion and personal experience add nothing to an academic argument of this length.

Avoiding the use of ‘I’ ‘my’ or ‘we’ is very strongly suggested. The use of ‘one’ tends to appear stilted and should also be avoided. Find a way to rework your sentences and avoid these terms. TAKE THE TIME TO EDIT.

An academic argument does not assume that your reader agrees with you.

The purpose of argument is to change people’s points of view or to persuade.

You must convince your reader—by using evidence.

Use peer-review journal articles to support your argument.

An Academic argument will be tightly focussed

In this case, offer ONE point; do not argue a constellation of points.

Assume evidence needs to be ‘framed’ and is not self-explanatory.

Do not assume that your reader will draw the same conclusions as you have from the evidence; you need to make your deductions and conclusions clear—NOT left as implied.

I suggest:

Following standard essay format of introduction, body, conclusion.

Not using informal language or personal opinions.

Recalling that the 400-500 words are to be 400-500 of your words and do not include quotations or citations.

Making sure your spelling, diction, grammar, paragraphing, and citations are all editorially correct.

Starting early; this topic is straightforward, but deciding your argument, collecting your evidence, organising the trajectory of your argument, and editing the final submission will all take time. Please, budget your time accordingly.

Go back to the comments you received on your first three submissions, and make sure that you are developing your writing’s strengths and not repeating the same mistakes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Due Date:
An Indigenous Person Living in A City May Not Be as Connected to Indigenous Systems Compared to Those Who Live on Their Homelands
As the world continues to be more urbanized, people continue to lose their sense of belonging and identity. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs reports that today, the world’s urban population stands at 55%. This figure is projected to increase to 68% by the year 2050. These figures mean that more people will be migrating to urban centers. With globalization helping to open up the world, these movements are not geographically, which means people will be further away from their homes. The above statement is synonymous with the life Johnny Appleseed lived. The man’s movement was not limited in any way. He took every opportunity to move with great stride. He was disconnected from his home, and he also learned different languages but only to make conversation. His story is quite relevant to this essay’s topic since it touches on two aspects that help showcase the disconnect indigenous people experience when they move to cities. These aspects include language and lands. Language helps to maintain or preserve culture, while land helps to gift people a meaningful connection or a sense of belonging. Provided herein is an essay that seeks to support the notion that an indigenous person living in a city is disconnected from indigenous systems compared to one living in their homeland.
Language is a big part of culture and aids in its preservation. However, as the world is becoming more urbanized, and the roots of westernization are growing deeper, some languages are being lost (Navare, 2). In the world today, English has become the chief or main language of communication. In cities, people learn some languages superficially or just to make conversation. Language is not appreciated as a tool that preserves culture but a way to get something. The above can be juxtaposed with Johnny Appleseed’s story. In his travails, the man learned many Native American languages. However, in learning the languages, he did not have a desire...
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