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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Labor Essay. Literature and Language Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Submission Types Discussion Comment Attempts

Attempts Allowed: Unlimited Attempts Used: 0

Submission & Rubric Description
Sep 3, 2020 at 6:41 AM
You have all been assigned to discussion groups.

Please read the relevant document (also posted in the Class Eight module) and speak to at least two of the below discussion points by Tuesday. November 10 at 3:20 PM. Then, make sure you reply to at least one of your classmates by the close of the discussion forum on Thursday, November 12, at 3:20 PM. As a discussion group, your goal is to answer all of the questions together! This is just on Frederick Douglass, so ignore the "Cotton Kingdom" part.

Importance of literacy

Unanticipated effects of literacy

Suspicion of white people

Power of writing

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Frederick Douglass provides a compelling account of his time as a slave. The nineteenth century was indeed a difficult time for many black people. When one looks back, it does not seem that long ago. This explains why the United States (U.S.) still has a long way to go to recognize people of color as equals. This essay speaks to the importance of literacy and the unintended effects of literacy, as seen in Douglass’ writing.
Douglass mentions that immediately he came across the book “The Columbian Orator,” he wanted to make sure that he read it whenever he got the chance (Foner 207). This shows how committed Douglass was to gaining knowledge. The importance of literacy proved true to Douglass because by reading the book, he came to learn so many things about slavery. His opinions regarding slavery began to change since he was now an enlightened individ...
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