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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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$ 7.2

Obesity is a major problem in the contemporary world

Essay Instructions:

Reflection #2 WRITING 100

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Obesity is a major problem in the contemporary world. Many factors contribute to obesity, and writing on this topic is a way to learn, understand, and appreciate the diverse perspectives about the problem. If I were doing it all over again, I would still choose this topic because of the helpful insights I can apply in my own life. The main advantages of writing on this topic included understanding the main contributor to obesity and possible remedies to reduce the menace. I also noted that obesity might occur due to genetic issues. People with obesity are at a higher risk of contracting other chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. From my perspective, I can say that this was an informative project to work on. I have gained many insights applicable to my own life.
The project had numerous aspects such as outline developing, primary research, developing an annotated bibliography, and writing the final paper. Moreover, writing the actual paper required a proper understanding of the concepts and organizing them effectively. I struggled with the process of summarizing or critically evaluating each of the sources to see whether they suited my project. However, I can say that I thrived most in annotated bibliography development. Despite my struggles, I was able to identify essential articles and sources related to my goal. One thing that will stick with me is how we can avoid obesity and the best approaches to reduce the risks of obesity. This is e...
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