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My Present Attitude in Life

Essay Instructions:


1. Do you think like a child in your own life? Describe examples of situations that required you to think like a child. What were the outcomes?

2. This chapter suggests four reasons to think small. Choose a pressing problem facing you or your community and explain how each of these reasons to think small could help you solve the problem. For example, you might consider thinking small about low graduation rates, food insecurity, or access to health care.

3. Barry Marshall was a “simple” guy whose childhood experiences and ability to continue to think like a child helped solve the mystery of where ulcers come from and how to effectively treat them. How did thinking like a child influence Marshall’s view of the human body and contribute to him asking obvious (and important!) questions?

4. “Kids are in love with their own audacity, mesmerized by the world around them, and unstoppable in their pursuit of fun” (p. 96). How does this quote represent the benefits of thinking like a child? How could the ideas expressed in this quote contribute to logging the hours required to become an expert at something?

5. The authors ask, “Why is it so important to have fun?” (p. 96). Thinking like a Freak, what would your answer to this question be?

6. Why is it harder for magicians to fool kids than adults? What about children’s thinking that makes them less susceptible to fall for a magic trick?

7. Malala Yousafzai was only seventeen years old when she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 as the youngest recipient in the history of the award. Watch a video or read a transcript of her Nobel Lecture. How does she use (or not use) examples of thinking like a child in her approach to problem solving?


1. The title of this chapter, “Like Giving Candy to a Baby,” hints at an experience one of the authors had with incentives used to change behavior. How can incentives be effective changing behavior? Do incentives always produce the desired behavior? Why or why not?

2. In this chapter, Levitt and Dubner explore the relationship between cheap food and obesity. Using this example, propose how incentives could be manipulated to attempt to ameliorate the obesity epidemic in the US.

3. Many educators and economists disagree about providing cash incentives for children to perform well in school. Explain perspectives for and against the use of pay for grades.

4. This chapter introduces the concepts of declared preferences and revealed preferences. Explain the difference between these and offer examples of these two types of preferences that you have observed in your own experience.

5. Using examples from your own life, describe two or more relationship frames that influence your behavior.

6. What are three reasons why even carefully constructed incentive plans can fail? Describe an example of a real or fictional incentive plan failure due to these reasons.

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Chapter 5
1 In my present life, I do think like a kid. One example of it is when I have either big or small things in life that have to be decided; like what shall I dress for an upcoming event – Halloween party. I dressed according to what is the basic concept of what I chose to portray because, in today’s world, universals and particulars of realists are more considered. The ending was helpful since I had a good thought of portraying an animal to what it is originally.
2 One pressing problem in my society or the whole country as well as the use of cigarettes; there are a lot of people who are diagnosed with lung cancer – direct or secondhand smokers. Due to the large amount of tax that these cigarettes give, the government could hardly disallow the use of it. If I think like I kid, I would just simply disallow the entrance of these harmful cigarettes. In this way, those smoke-dependent individuals will cause no trouble to themselves, their money, and to the people around them.
3 Barry Marshall’s think like a kid concept has helped him to effectively treat an ulcer. Thinking like a kid traces back the basics which means that Barry has seen how this prioritized human body is being closely similar to a machine; it happened that Barry’s family has machines at home in which he grew up watching those. To think like a kid means one can see the schematic illustrations of things which is way easier to determine how it will be properly addressed, and this is what happened to Barry.
4 The quote “Kids are in love with their audacity, mesmerized by the world around them, and unstoppable in the pursuit of fun” has a lot of benefits of thinking like a kid. These wild and wondrous imaginations of these kids can give them a lot of questions about what is and how are things working in this world. The inquisitiveness and innocence of the children trace back the basics of things that adult already forgot to do so. These ideas certainly tell us that it does not matter how long people engaged in a field to become an expert; one must be dedicated and open-minded.
5 It is important to have fun because we get to be engaged in things we did not be...
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