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Can electric cars help to reduce global warming in the US? Essay

Essay Instructions:

The paper has to answer the question and follow the research proposal and outline. it has to be used the same source.


Could electric cars help to reduce global warming in the U.S? Introduction - An electric car is a car propelled by an electric motor by using energy stored in rechargeable batteries. The development of electric vehicles has sparked a debate about whether they can be of great importance to reducing global warming. Because of their design, they can be incredibly significant in reducing global warming. Main Idea I - They emit fewer greenhouse gases. A. Subsidiary idea - Recent findings have shown that electric cars emit fewer greenhouse gases as compared to conventional vehicles. a. The vehicles emit fewer greenhouse gases and air pollutants during their lifespan than petrol or diesel cars. b. The amount of carbon dioxide produced by these cars is far less than petrol and diesel cars. B. Subsidiary idea - Electric vehicles do not burn any gasoline and do not have tailpipes emissions. a. They produce lower global warming emissions than average compact gasolinepowered cars. b. It will be essential, especially in the United States, where many conventional vehicles emit greenhouse gases. Main Idea II - They offer hope for a future clean environment. A. Subsidiary idea - Electric cars are the future of a clean environment and a reduction in global warming due to reduced greenhouse gas production. a. According to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) portfolio, they confirm that fuelling transportation through electricity instead of petroleum can adequately mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. b. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency research, they confirm that fuelling transportation through electricity instead of petroleum can adequately mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. B. Subsidiary idea - The adoption of electric vehicles, especially in the transportation sector, will reduce gas emissions because most carbon emissions come from passenger vehicles. The road to reducing greenhouse gases by 2050 can only be accelerated if electric cars are embraced together with renewably generated zero-carbon electricity. a. Research shows that they have a lower carbon footprint over the full life cycle. It is only higher during manufacturing because of battery production but lowers after, and if technological advancements can be done on it, it will be even lower than it is. Conclusion - In a nutshell, I think electric cars have a more significant role in reducing global warming because they emit fewer greenhouse gases. Further, because they are designed to have a lower carbon footprint, they will reduce global warming more than the current conventional cars. Works Cited Jones, Sarah J. "If Electric Cars Are The Answer, What Was The Question?". British Medical Bulletin, vol 129, no. 1, 2019, pp. 13-23. Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1093/bmb/ldy044. Maamria, Djamaleddine et al. "Optimal Predictive Eco-Driving Cycles For Conventional, Electric, And Hybrid Electric Cars". IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, vol 68, no. 7, 2019, pp. 6320-6330. Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers (IEEE), doi:10.1109/tvt.2019.2914256.

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Can Electric Cars Help To Reduce Global Warming In the US?
Global warming has been a major concern not only in the US but also in the entire world. The phenomenon is a result of human activity, majorly the burning of fossil fuels that generate greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. Whereas cars are a necessary part of transport, they generate a large portion of greenhouse gases especially carbon dioxide. Since electric vehicles do not burn gasoline and instead use energy stored in rechargeable batteries, their development has sparked debate on their contribution to addressing the issue. Due to their design, electric cars can be incredibly significant in reducing global warming.
Compared to gasoline cars, electric vehicles emit fewer greenhouse gases. Conventional cars burn gasoline to generate engine power. This leads to a direct emission of pollutants like nitrogen and greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide. However, electric vehicles use the energy stored in their batteries to generate motor power. As a result, electric cars are critical because they emit fewer air pollutants during their lifespan compared to petrol or diesel cars (Jones 14). Additionally, electric vehicles do not burn any gasoline and have no tailpipe emissions. All-electric vehicles produce zero carbon emissions, which assists in improving air quality. The absence of direct emissions means that electric cars produce lower global warming compared to the average gasoline-powered cars. It will, therefore, be essential in the US where many conventional cars emit greenhouse gases, for the adoption of electric cars to be encouraged.
Electric vehicles offer hope for a future clean environment. A clean environment is critical for the future...
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