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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Food works in San Jose. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

I wrote the introduction and the first paragraph. Please continue working on the assignment. The third paragraph should be about food processing, the fourth paragraph should be the growth of foodservice companies and the fifth should be about retailers. I will attach the research website and I believe the pdf includes everything you need. You can also do some extra research if you need to. Please be as specific as possible to receive full credits on this assignment.

Here is the research I found.


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Food Works in San Jose
There are two main sub-sectors of food processing in San Jose: Food manufacturing and beverage and tobacco processing. These sub-sectors represent a total of 189 businesses with annual revenue of $376.9million. Moreover, commercial kitchen and food business incubators in San Jose are an essential part of food processing. They create a space for new and developing businesses to prepare and test their products. These kitchens are concentrated around the Bay area and San Francisco. There are mission-driven kitchen incubators that assist women and minorities in establishing their successful micro-enterprises. The Bay area provides a home for eager investors who want to incorporate innovative technology into how food is produced. San Jose has micro food entrepreneurs who end up endeavoring into full-scale legitimate businesses.
The growth of the foodservice sector is evident since the city hosts 112 catering businesses, and every year the average salary for catering chefs is $52,415. San Jose indulges in trade with highly reputabl...
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