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Literature & Language
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Literature & Language Essay: What kind of person is Truvy?

Essay Instructions:

The thesis statement should be: "Truvy is a friendly person who seeks harmony in her social group and is also emotionally supportive and sensitive ti the feelings of others"

The Introduction should explain what kind of person Truvy is and give general explanation about what the movie is about. "The movie is: Steel magnolias 1989"

Organize the body to provide evidence and analysis to each one of the claims about Truvy.

give the number of utterances not put them in bullet points.

Provide several utterances from the screen play that can prove that she is friendly, supportive and so on for the four claims.

Also include what speech acts are being used.

and if she is using positive or negative politeness.

Explain how the speaker (Truvy) is using language in such a way to show that there is a close relationship and how is she using positive politeness strategies.

explain exactly what did she say to show closeness. example: she’s using informal language or she uses a nickname or a term of endorsement

for each paragraph first explain what speech act is performed in the utterance. second: what kind of politeness do we see? positive or negative and why?

third: what exact positive politeness is Truvy using? example: a nick name.

also, if it follows the politeness maxims which one and how?

Types of speech acts:

1: representative: Speaker uses language to make a statement about the world

2. Directive: Speaker uses language to get the hearer to do an action.

ex: Take me to an an amusement park

3. Rogative: Speaker uses language to get the hearer to give information

ex. how many languages do you speak?

4. Expressive: Speaker uses language to make a statement about his or her interior world of feelings or beliefs

5. A commisive: Speaker uses language to commit him or herself to a future action.

ex: I promise to turn in the homework tomorrow.

6. Declaration: Speaker uses language to change the world.

ex. a priest when 2 unmarried people are at their weeding, as soon as the priest says that they are now married.

or in a court a judge declares you guilty and you go to jail.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
What kind of person is Truvy?
Truvy Jones in the movie “Steel magnolias 1989” is a sociable person who interacts with her clients at the beauty shop. Truvy connects with characters from different backgrounds including the young as she is a good listener and who one who the other women can trust. She is comfortable interacting with her clients even outside the beauty shop as she grows fond of them. Truvy is a friendly person who seeks harmony in her social group and is also emotionally supportive and sensitive to the feelings of others.
Truvy is a friendly person to those around her and is sociable that she seeks to get to know whether they are okay. She asks Shelby “Your all right” as Shelby holds her glass of juice and M’Lynn is close by (line 156). Moments later, she strokes Shelby’s hair, and hugs her. This is a form of rogative as Truvy wants Shelby to affirm that she is alright. She uses a positive politeness by asking a question where she hopes there is a positive answer and she hugs Shelby. Thus, Truvy uses her close distance with Shelby to make a connection and reassure her that things are alright.
Turvy prioritizes harmony in her social group that when talking to fellow women she establishes her intention to maintain a mutual connection. In line 9 she states “Well, M’Lynn it looks like you are ready to roll. And I think...
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