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Plagiarism Case Over Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven Finally Ends

Essay Instructions:

Find an article that discusses one of the topics in Ch. 9; Ch. 22; Ch. 23; Ch. 24. The date should be after the beginning of the semester. Give us a live link to the article and summarize it. The subject should be the title of the article so it is easily identified. If you do not identify your article in this way you will not get credit. Your article should not be the same as any other article submitted by another student. So...you should look through the article already submitted. Give us a live link to the article and summarize it.

The subject should be the name of your article. If you do not identify your article in this way you will not get credit. Your article should not be the same as any other article submitted by another student. So...you should look through the article already submitted.

Please describe the article and give its relation to the Module.

Comment on 2 other articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Plagiarism Case Over Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven Finally Ends
Recently, Led Zeppelin won a longstanding court battle over their song Stairway to Heaven. A case against the iconic rock band was brought to the court by Randy Wolfe of the US band, Spirit. In the case, Wolfe alleged that the opening notes Led Zeppelin used in their song Stairway to Heaven were copied from the song Taurus, which was done by Spirit. According to Wolfe, Robert Plant, Led Zeppelin's lead singer, had seen Spirit perform Taurus in a Birmingham concert in 1970. However, Plant denied any knowledge of this because he could not recall attending the event since he was later involved in a car crash that night. Also, guitarist Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin said that the chord sequence to the opening notes had existed for some time. Also, he stated that he had never heard the song Taurus before.
In 2016, Led Zeppelin...
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