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The Theories of Migration, Social Distance, and Transnational Tortillas

Essay Instructions:

Mid-Term Exam Questions

You will answer a total of two (2) questions. 

Everyone must answer question number one (1) and then pick one (1) of the three remaining questions.

Each question is worth 19 points for a total of 38. There are no requirements for how much or how little you write in order to answer each question.  I’m looking for logical and coherent paragraphs with good introductions and conclusions for each answer.  So the length is totally up to you, whatever you think it takes to answer each question and get full credit. 

Q1: You must answer this question—19 Points

Please explain how and why it is that in New Brunswick NJ, nearly all the workers employed by temp agencies, warehouses, or light manufacturers are immigrant Latinos, and why are the jobs so low paying?

Things to consider:

I am looking for an answer that encompasses what you know about the theories of migration (and how they relate to this particular question); everything we have discussed with regards to racialized labor markets (how they are organized, what the conditions are like, and why employers organize them); corporations, supply chains and how the work is organized globally; and anything else that we have discussed that would help you get the maximum number of points for this question.

Pick one (1) of the three (3) remaining questions—(worth 19 Points)

Q2. Based on the readings, class discussions and documentaries, what has been the most important historical influence or determinant of U.S. immigration policy as it relates to Mexico and Mexican workers? Your answer should include at least two (2) historical examples to backup or explain your position.

Q3. What is “social distance” and what does social distance have to do with global supply chains, temp agencies, low-wage labor markets, the “sweating” or “cheating system” and consumers like you and me?

Q4.  In “Transnational Tortillas” the author explains how the employer organizes the work and controls the workforces in the U.S. and Mexico.  In short, she argues that in both places the employer uses “divide and conquer” strategies to organize and control the workforces. Your task is to explain how these divide and conquer strategies are applied by the management of Hacienda CA and Hacienda BA. What does the employer do to ensure that the workers are divided and subservient? What are the essential components of the strategies in both facilities?

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November 7, 2020
Midterm Examination
The main reasons why that in New Brunswick, NJ, nearly all the workers employed by temp agencies, warehouses, or light manufacturers are immigrant Latinos is because this workforce (1) helps the companies to cut down on their operational costs by exploiting cheap labor and (2) helps in balancing supply and demand between locations.
Theories of International Migration
On the one hand, the reason why Temp agencies in New Brunswick, NJ employ a lot of Latinos is because the US is a ‘receiving country’ whereas Latin American countries are usually ‘sending countries’. Pursuant to the Theory of International migration, receiving and sending countries are created when there is a ‘significant wage difference’ between two countries thereby forcing the residents to one to seek employ from the foreign country to send to their family in their home country.
Based from this theory it could be seen that since Latinos have migrated in order to take advantage of the wage difference between their country and the US, they are also more likely to take any job that are given to them since they have to send to their families abroad. In turn, temp agencies recognize that aside from the cheaper wages, immigrant Latinos have less labor rights compared to Americans such as the right to organize and security of tenure (especially for undocumented workers), which makes them better for providing suitable jobs. In one article written by Heyboer and Lavin, the authors cited the life of an immigrant Latino, Sanchez, where they found out that although temp agencies provide ‘temporary jobs’ as the nomenclature suggests, the overall circumstances of immigrants makes these jobs more stable and permanent for them. One reason for this is because temp agencies usually place their office within areas that have high latino density in order to target this population for cheap labor. This is the case especially for New Jersey where immigrant Latinos usually flock to find suitable work.
Macro and Micro Theories
On the other hand, the macro and micro theories also provide a reason as to why this phenomenon happens.
First, the macro theory provides that geographical variations in the supply and demand of labor (and the accompanying wage difference) is the reason why people migrate to another. Since the US is a highly industrialized country that requires a lot of human capital, then Latinos are forced to take a lot of these jobs since they are the only ones being offered to them due to their status and the overall sentiment of the people about them.
Second, the micro theory provides that the immigrants themselves engage in a &l...
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