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World Wildlife Fund and its Efforts in Environmental Protection

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World Wildlife Fund
Environmental protection is an important aspect in the modern world where the environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Environmental protection involves the reduction of pollution and promotion of sustainable activities to preserve the ecosystems and ultimately the human population (Hill 1). The environment is, thus, a social issue because most of the environmental ills are caused by human beings, and it is only human beings who can make changes aimed at protecting the environment. Early this year, IPBES released a report indicating that global land degradation poses a great risk to the survival of approximately 3.2 billion people. This is about two-fifths of the human population, and the situation is critical because this land degradation is partly as a result of human activity,which results in depletion of natural resources and the eradication of wildlife. Furthermore, there is the destruction of the ecosystem and biodiversity, which are essential in the survival of human beings in terms of food security, energy provision, and water purification.
According to a report by the UN Environment in 2017, environmental degradation and climate change are the major issues affecting the well-being and general health of human beings. Further, it also affects the global economy and efforts aimed at improving the economy such as sustainability goals. According to OECD, it is projected that the problem will increase, and the planet will continue experiencing the loss of biodiversity. This points to an urgent need to take active measures towards the protection of the environment, from an economic and social perspective.
In an effort to enhance environmental protection, governments and private organizations have been on the frontline of this noble undertaking to ensure that environmental issues are addressed from all possible avenues. One such organization is the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which was established in 1961 as an international fundraising organization with the main aim of providing funds to support conservation groups (WWF). Efforts made by the organization has seen it form partnerships with huge international companies, such as Apple and Coca-Cola, to increase awareness on the need for environmental protection. The organization’s mission is “to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on earth,” and their work is centered around six goals (WWF). These goals include food system sustainability, mitigation of global warming, ensuring the availability of fresh water through protection of wetlands and rivers, restoring and protecting forests, promotion of resilient oceans, and protection of endangered species. Apart from pursuing these six goals as part of their ambition, the organization also works at addressing the root cause of degradation and loss of biodiversity (WWF). To achieve this, they have targeted financial systems, markets, and government with the aim of transforming them and encouraging the adoption of more sustainable systems.
A huge percentage of the funds collected through this organization are diverted to its main goal, conservation of nature and reduction of pollution. According to their 2017 annual financial report, they spent 85% of their revenue on programs and initiatives aimed at conserving the environment, while 11% of their revenue went to fundraising expenses (WWF). The remaining 4% was spent on administration and finance and from their report, it is evident that their fundraising efforts have been fruitful because they were able to raise more funds in 2017 than in 2016. In 2016, their total revenue was $305,208,089, which rose up to $ 320,569,403 in 2017. This shows their continued dedication to conserving nature through what the organization was established to do- raise funds.
The organization has established several programs and initiatives to facilitate the achievement of the six goals and ambitions. To achieve the goal of sustainable food systems, the organization has several initiatives. For instance, they provide support to producers focused on improving production of priority food crops, while at the same time embracing supply chains that are sustainable. Through this support, producers are able to increase profits, while at the same time increasing environmental sustainability (WWF). Further, the organization participates in enforcing policies that encourage sustainable food production and wise consumption of food. Specifically, they discourage food wastage and enhance awareness among consumers, especially in the United States. Currently, the organization is focused on the prevention of illegal seafood, such as fish from closed fishing areas, becoming part of the human food chain. As such, they are encouraging formulation and implementation of fishery policies and provision of fishing documentation to prevent black market fishing. This approach, what they refer to as “from bait to plate,” involves tracing the legality of seafood throughout the supply chain to enhance the sustainability of seafood supply for future generations (WWF).
According to the organization’s Living Planet report, since 1970, the population of wildlife has declined by 58%, which is an alarming statistic because it indicates that wildlife extinction is becoming a reality every year. As such, the organization has established several initiatives to circumvent this decline. One of the initiatives, which has been very successful, was their contribution to the abolishment of ivory trade in China (WWF). Based on the success of this initiative, WWF is now focused on bringing an end to ivory trade all over Asia. This will reduce the number of elephants that die in the hands of poachers because, according to WWF, approximately 20,000 elephants are slaughtered by poachers every year. Further, the organization is dedicated to doubling the number of tigers by the year 2022. This involves sourcing for funds that will be used in the protection of landscapes, which are basically habitats for tigers. Increasing the number of tigers will not only curb the decline of wildlife population, but will also promote a balanced ecosystem. According to WWF, saving a tiger also translates to saving approximately 25,000 acres of forest, which is an essential part of environmental protection.
According to WWF, oceans are responsible for the production of half of the ox...
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