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Etiquette. Much of business and many interviews occur over dinner

Essay Instructions:


Much of business and many interviews occur over dinner. Often, potential employers take candidates to dinner to assess their understanding of manners, protocol, and relationship building. At the Etiquette Dinner, we will review proper etiquette for basic American dining style and explore etiquette for a few popular ethnic styles.

Submit a well-written, minimum 500-word, reflection covering the following three questions/topics. All submissions need to be in a Word doc or PDF in paragraph form using good structure, grammar, and spelling. Please be sure to include the date of the Etiquette Dinner you attended in your submission.

Address the following questions in your reflection:

Explain why knowing good dining etiquette is important to your career development and career path.

Discuss at least two etiquette points that you did not know before you attended this event. If you learned nothing new, discuss how you learned to be proficient at dining etiquette.

What did you enjoy the most about the evening? Explain why.

Etiquette Dinner in October 1


Monday, October 1st 2018, 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm CDT

At Auburn hotel

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Etiquette Dinner
Etiquette Dinner is becoming a normal and frequent method used by employers and potential business partners to understand the behavior of their potential employees or business partners in the business and corporate world. While it remains true that common sense will always guide one in behaving while interacting with strangers at dinner, it is essential that one learns proper conduct when invited out for dinner. The reason for common dinner interviews is that schedules are getting tighter and people are finding it difficult to secure time from normal schedules. Additionally, the main reason why a potential employer will organize dinner interview is to understand how the potential employee will represent the organization outside the business environment. The employer would wish to learn how the potential employee responds to subordinates and cashiers, how the person orders meals, or whether the person is a drunkard. Understanding dining etiquette is essential for a student’s career and professional life.
Proper etiquette during dinner is essential for boosting a person’s public image. It also creates an opportune moment for the person to understand and learn the behavior of people that one will interact with in future. One of the guiding principles should be on moral behavior and self-confidence. During dinner, one could consider arriving at the venue early enough. The reason for this may be to understand the environment and the menu so that one knows the foods to order. It is also essential that one makes a call fifteen minutes to inform if he will be late so that others do not ha...
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