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Formal essay. Yellow Wallpaper Vs The Lovely Bones

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Cortia Young

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Cortia Young
Catherine Parisian
Women Literature
Yellow Wallpaper Vs The Lovely Bones
Various literature works have been written regarding the position and treatment of women within society. The authors are known to present similar ideas or borrow them from one another to bring out a conclusive notion about the position of a woman in the society. An example would be the case of the Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Lovely Bones by Alice Alice. Alice can identify the theme of ignorance towards women and the use of symbolism to pass across ideas as presented by Gilman.
Alice can identify the theme of ignorance towards women in the Yellow Wallpaper because the author talks about a woman suffering from a nervous breakdown. The husband decide that they take a vacation. While in the vacation, John does not create time to be with his wife, but instead, he locks her in a room and has a housekeeper to take care of her (Gilman 34). This is a sign of ignorance because locking her in the room is not a solution to her problems. Dosani (2018), points out the economic differences that exists between men and women hence indication the masculinity power in the society. Probably, he should have engaged her or taken her to a mental hospital for the doctors to determine her illness. At the end of the novel, the picture of the woman crawling on the wallpaper is the character that the author is talking about. She is finally free from the neglect and discrimination that she is facing from the man. Similarly, Alice advocates for the fact that women ought to be respected (Kilby 50). Therefore, it would be her wish that the woman on the wallpaper gets help before she dies in her agony. Gilman describes a wallpaper that sticks on someone’s clothes when they come into contact with it. As a result Alice would vi...
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