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Comparative Essay. “The Shawshank Redemption” and “The Green Mile”

Essay Instructions:

Compare two films “The Shawshank Redemption” and “The Green Mile”

Choose one of the film elements to compare two films : flashback, narration, plot, character or setting.

500-600 words

At least 5 paragraphs: intro, 3 bodies and conclusion.

At least 3 exampls from the film to support your claim.

Sources only can from those two films

See detail instruction attached.

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Comparison between “The Shawshank Redemption” and “The Green Mile”
In Hollywood, penitentiary films have a long and interesting history that is maintaining the viewers in an engrossed attention to the predicaments of the inmates of the modern society. Although Hollywood’s are a designated prisoners who are accused wrongly, or maybe the prisoner is a murder with a kind heart, some films are wonderfully comprehended by the filmmakers that they surpass the genre and become models on their own right. In 1999, the two movies Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption took the unique image of Stephen King and they were brought to the cinematic world by Frank Darabont. Although these movies were written by Stephen King, there are a lot of similarities in them and at the same time, the stories are very different.
The Green Mile is a story that is set in the death row of prisons with the focus on the two men guards who securely the prisoners until it’s time to execute them. The film is based on the work of Stephen King; this film is a wonderful tale of enchantment, life and the declaration of the delight of life ( HYPERLINK "/search?q=au%3AKehrwald%2C+Kevin.&qt=hot_author" \o "Search for more by this author" Kehrwald, 99). The green Mile appears more of a deliberation on the mysteries and the indescribable flashes on the lives of human beings than a historical prison film or liberation and manifestation (Grady, & Magistrale, 163). On the other hand, The Shawshank Redemption is also based on the short story of Stephen King. It is about an inmate escaping from the penitentiary as one of the creative methods used in this story in order to make it emotional and moving. The main Characters of the film The Green Mile are Paul Edgecombe, John Coffey, Eduard Delacroix, and Percy Wetmore. Tin Robbins, Andy Dufresne, and Morgan Freeman are the main characters of the Shawshank Redemption
The naturalistic tone of Shawshank is anticipated by a kind of tolerant-depression, a sense of terror and agitation that violence could blow a fuse any second: especially with Byron Hadley stalking the halls of the prison (Brown, 45). In this movie, the characters are given time to infiltrate, and in keeping with the films overarching, the theme of time wastage in prisons is applied. This is an appropriate method of narrating the anecdotes of these men. Most of the inmates at Shaws...
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