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Where Is Our Care Economy? Families are America’s Strength

Essay Instructions:

You will have 70 minutes to read the following article, analyze it, and write an essay.  You may use your books, notes, dictionary, spell-checker, and thesaurus.  Don’t forget to proofread carefully before uploading your work.

After reading the article carefully, use your knowledge of English 1C analysis devices to answer the following questions in complete, well-organized essay form.  Quote phrases from the article to support your analysis.  Remember: a good analysis explains enough so a reader who hasn’t read the original article knows what you’re critiquing and why, but at the same time, it is organized around your own thesis about the article, and is not a summary of the article point by point.

Suggested format

1. Introduction: Identify the author, his/her purpose for writing, conclusion, and target audience.  State your thesis evaluating the overall strength or weakness of the author’s arguments and a brief reason why, not your personal feelings about the issue.

2. Body: Identify author’s support points—the premises and evidence used to support the conclusion—using brief quoted examples as references.

1. Set out the strengths

1. What points best support the thesis?

2. What kinds of reasoning does the author use (statistics, analogies, cause/effect reasoning)?  Other persuasive devices?

2. Set out the weaknesses

1. Are there fallacies (label them), contradictions, omissions, unsupported claims, unwarranted assumptions, non-credible references, biased language?

3. Conclusion: Assess and respond to the persuasiveness of the writing.  Give specific examples for your statements.  Remember, you can acknowledge that an argument is strong even though you may not agree with it, or acknowledge that an argument is weak even though you do agree with it.  When you answer 3b and c below, remember to tie your remarks to your assessment of the author’s argument.  This is not an essay about your own opinion on the essay topic.

1. Do the strengths outweigh the weaknesses?

2. How does the author’s argument conclusion compare with your own about the issue?

3. Did this article change your views on the issue in any way?

4. As an alternative to the regular 1C essay format, if you choose to do so, you may format your essay as a reply to the author or letter to the editor.  Either way, remember your job is to use good writing skills to present a clear, complete analysis.

SCORING:  The majority of your score on the 6-point English 1C Scoring Guide will depend on your analysis of the author’s logic in Nos. 2a and 2b above, using logic terms and concepts we’ve studied throughout the semester.  Your personal feelings on the issue should only appear in Nos. 3b and 3c.  Remember, evaluating an argument's strength does not depend on whether or not you agree with it, but on the quality of its reasoning, amount of evidence, and absence of fallacies.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Where Is Our Care Economy?  Families are America’s Strength
By Anne Marion
New York Times
April 16, 2021
I have spent the past two weeks reading about the infrastructure debate with mounting rage. Why?  The answer is simple. Insisting that there is actually a fixed definition of what infrastructure is — bridges, but not baby care—perfectly encapsulates the ways in which the world is still shaped by men. We need to include caring for humans as essential infrastructure.
But that idea is foreign to Republicans who are framing their fight against the Biden infrastructure plan in terms of what some call “real infrastructure” — roads, bridges, ports, and airports — versus what has been dubbed “liberal social programs,” including supporting home-based and community care.
Infrastructure, according to the Collins Dictionary, “consists of the basic facilities which enable it to function.”  Infrastructure are those facilities that are essential for everyone to do their jobs. It makes sense that men with wives at home to take on the 16-hour-a-day care responsibilities involved in raising children, supporting aged parents or otherwise tending to the sick, those with disabilities and the vulnerable, would need roads and bridges to grease the wheels of commerce and allow them to rack up capitalist profits.
But let’s imagine—it’s not that hard—a scenario in which those same men didn’t have wives at home and yet still wanted to have a family, or ensure that their own parents received love and support in their final years. In that case, they too might just find that care facilities were themselves just as “essential” to their ability to do paid work.
That’s even what the Trump administration concluded last year, although today’s Republicans are too hypocritical to admit the truth.  In 2020 the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued guidance on who should be considered “essential critical infrastructure workers.” It included child care workers of many kinds and “human services providers” bringing things like food and personal care to “older adults, people with disabilities, and others with chronic health conditions.” Sounds like care to me. But Republicans just want bridges, and to hell with supporting families.
And then there’s this: If child support policies aren’t infrastructure, what about fostering American industry’s competitive advantage?  Today’s babies are tomorrow’s taxpayers and workers and entrepreneurs, and relatively youthful populations speed economic growth and keep spending commitments affordable (and pay social security to us when we retire!).
However, during the pandemic American fertility plunged. According to an Associated Press study published this month, the number of babies born in the U.S. was dropping by 1% a year over the past decade, but data from 25 states indicates births for all of 2020 were down 4.3% from 2019.  And even deeper forces than the pandemic may hold American fertility rates down. Immigrants’ birthrates will gradually recover and they will become the majority in America, but the white working class has been retreating from child rearing even before the pandemic hit. Economic instability, more women in the workforce, and a shortage of marriageable men (those with high enough education and wages to satisfy today’s women) mean that fewer are raising families at all. In 1990, 65 percent of Americans told Pew Research that children were “very important” to happiness; in 2007, just before the current baby bust, only 41 percent agreed.
The value of family care goes far beyond the definition of infrastructure. It is the central question of 21st-century feminism, and one far too long ignored or downplayed not only by men but also by many white women who have been able to leverage the privilege of their race and class. Care feminism has long taken a back seat to career feminism. Advocating for child or elder care may be less glamorous and newsworthy than breaking glass ceilings to become the first woman in a role traditionally reserved for a man, but eventually women must always choose: care or career.
The retreat from child rearing is, at some level, a symptom of modern feminism-- a self-centered, me-first decadence that privileges the present over the future, embraces the comforts and pleasures of modernity, while shrugging off the basic s...
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