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The Truth about Dishonesty

Essay Instructions:

Your Essay will center around one central narrative. Using the above document as a guide, formulate TWO detailed thesis questions based on the reading (Ariely). As the document indicates, start by doing some research on a question of interest. A couple things to think about might be how we can APPLY Ariely's ideas to our lives, our culture, an example, a story, a topic... For example, does all this support about our dishonesty have something to say about fake news? About our current political state? About Instagram? Advertising? Or in more blunt terms, Do we have a problem with dishonesty? If so, where and how can you find it and support it beyond the text? And if not, how can we explain all this cheating, self-deception, and over rationalization? Feel free to explore and follow your curiosity.

After you have done some exploring, find one narrative example that you think represents your topic/slant idea that you can focus your essay around. One former student wrote an interesting essay about Brock Turner (the Stanford student who committed rape) using Turner's own language and transcripts from the trial to argue that he failed to own up to his responsibility in the crime, and deceived himself about, not only his own culpability, but in his self-signaling as a good guy who did a bad thing (and blamed it mostly on alcohol). Another student wrote about the football player, Ray Rice, and his beating of his girlfriend, using it to argue that the culture of football has problematic messages surrounding domestic abuse.

A great model for this essay is Rutger Bregman's essay "The Real Lord of the Flies," (https://www(dot)theguardian(dot)com/books/2020/may/09/the-real-lord-of-the-flies-what-happened-when-six-boys-were-shipwrecked-for-15-months). Do you notice how, at the very heart of the essay exists an extremely broad, generalized claim about human nature? That it's kind, compassionate and social, rather than selfish, destructive, and violent? Now just imagine Bregman writing that essay in the abstract without the story of the boys on the island. It would be a snooze, and an eye-roller, right? What makes this essay magical is how he uses one central narrative to make his argument. That is what great writers are able to do, and that is your task! So, as you research, make sure your looking for--and keeping an eye out for--a great story to center your essay around.

Your essays should have a Works Cited (not an annotated bibliography) in MLA format.

MLA FORMAT: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/ (Links to an external site.)

Please include an explanation of your experiment (a paragraph or two)!

Please include an explanation of your experiment (a paragraph or two)!

Please include an explanation of your experiment (a paragraph or two)!

The Writing Style Experiments

In each of your essays you are required to conduct some kind of writing experiment. That is, that each essay must contain something stylistic that you’ve never done before as a writer. Here are some examples:

Incorporating some aspect of a writer’s style into your own essay. For example, you might read Dan Ariely and write an essay from his point of view, or incorporate a similar sense of humor into your essay. Stylistic experiments can be important and can help you grow as a writer. They can include humor, rhetorical questions, varying sentence length/variety, using subordination, word choice, colloquial language…

Using pictures or other visuals in your essays.

Creating a sound recording or video.

Writing in boxes or writing in the margins or formatting your text in a way that helps explain or support your thesis/slant.

Writing a poem or song lyrics or a comic.

Creating any kind of artistic representation—be it a drawing, sculpture, painting, photograph—to include in your essay.

These are only a few ideas. Don’t just pick one from above and do it unless it really fits your essay and slant. DO NOT just tack on a poem or a drawing to the end of an essay. Each experiment needs to be incorporated into the essay. It must be a part of the project and add something to the project, not be a separate project.

The way to approach this on all your essays is to think about what kind of experiment would help us, the readers, further understand your arguments, points, and ideas. Think out of the box, and use writers that you like as inspiration.

It’s important to remember that in this course a failed experiment in one of your essays will not negatively affect your grade. The only thing that will affect your grade is if you don’t experiment. It’s also important to remember that in this course each essay still needs to have the fundamentals of an essay. The experiment doesn't make it a free-for-all.

Try something. In this course, you are always rewarded for trying something new, even if it fails.


The essay contains a clear and appropriately specific thesis/Slant that suggests original and independent thinking. The writing and ideas are dynamic, varied, and creative.

The body offers detailed and meaningful support for the argument, and uses that support logically and insightfully; it offers progressive and unified paragraphs, and clearly connects the support with the thesis/Slant.

The conclusion provokes the reader, leaving him/her with a question or idea about the bigger implications of the essay’s thesis/Slant.

The essay contains clear logic, appropriate grammar, and correct spelling. The language, tone and argument are appropriately tailored to its intended audience.

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The Truth about Dishonesty
Lying, whether big or small, has always had a bad connotation because it leads to many problems. As many people always say, “A lie always finds a way to catch up with you in the end.” Moreover, nowadays, it lies in different forms, and degrees are more commonly seen than accurate and genuine. It is present in the daily news, Instagram, and other social media platforms, the government, and even in daily interactions with other people. It is everywhere. The line separating lies from the truth had already become so blurry, affecting how the generations view what is good and what is evil.
Dishonesty is defined as “deceitfulness shown in someone’s character or behavior.” (“Dishonesty”). It is a lack of integrity. It is fraud. This kind of definition makes it clear how lousy dishonesty is. However, there are cases where dishonesty, an evil thing, had reaped another kind of result. In research studies that were conducted regarding this topic, dishonesty, more specifically to one’s self which can be termed as self-deception, leads to better outcomes in life such as athletic competitions and academic performance (Lying to Ourselves: Radiolab).
This paper will primarily focus on these two main questions about honesty, or the lack thereof:
1 At an early age, human beings are taught a set of virtues and traits, including honesty, that should be imbibed and carried on throughout life to be considered a good person. However, does dishonesty in any form already does an individual evil, or are there gray areas where dishonesty can still be considered a good thing?
2 Considering the vast possible benefits of dishonesty in human survival, happiness, and achieving success, should dishonesty be seen as essential in all human beings’ lives?
Is honesty the best policy?
Movies and storybooks often highlight honesty or integrity. It is even something that makes up superheroes and protagonists because it exudes goodness and light. Honesty is a virtue that enhances relationships and the general well-being of the people in the community. The military soldiers are the real-life superheroes with big guns and uniforms, battling the evil that threatens the peace in the community. With this description, the military soldiers are the good guys. The model citizens. The heroes. Concerning the army, they follow legal and moral standards that include virtues and qualities that they should always adhere to. Moreover, unsurprisingly, this includes integrity, emphasizing the importance of honesty in all levels of society.
When the world and the environment are assessed and looked at, dishonesty plays a significant role in the devastating issues that the world is facing today. For instance, when the global financial sector is examined, it is clear that there is no guarantee of its stability. Experts have warned that unless the financial markets are regulated, the world could experience another crisis in the coming years. However, financial sector players and governments have opted to remain quiet about this threat instead of addressing it. By failing to be honest about the flawed nature of the global financial sector, public and private sector players are creating a state of anxiety and distress among people.
People might think that global finance is a serious thing that will cause disarray when mixed with dishonesty, but even the simple interactions between people can result in adverse and undesirable results. Another example would be in the kitchen setting of a diner or restaurant. When a customer asks whether peanuts are not included in making the dish that he/she will order, and staff deals with this simple question with dishonesty by saying that there are no peanuts in the ingredients, without clarifying it with the kitchen staff, but there are some peanuts in it. This simple interaction may lead to a customer suffering an allergic reaction and may even become a fatal scenario. These simple interactions are widespread, so honesty is consistently promoted and encouraged even at a very young age.
A call of duty
Witold Pilecki, a Polish soldier, volunteered to be captured by the German troops in order to infiltrate the concentration camp in Auschwitz. This happened during World War II. He used this dangerous opportunity to warn his allies about the severe conditions inside the camp. He had to endure starvation, violence, diseases, etc. but could form a brotherhood amidst the extraordinary situation.
Lying is essential to human survival
When people lie, there is almost always a reason behind it. There is some personal motivation for an individual to resort to dishonesty. The motivations that people have are not always selfish or evil. In some cases, people say lies because of their desire to protect a loved one or another human being. For example, in the book of Dan Ariely, he mentions that as a child, he suffered severe burns that have left him scarred for life. However, when he was at the hospital, his doctors avoided telling him the truth about the extent of the burns to keep him ...
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