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The Reasons Behind Stealing Work from Artist and the Strategies how to Creative

Essay Instructions:

Book Report Assignment

For your book report, you are to read the assigned reading as listed on the syllabus under required text. No other titles will be accepted.

As you read the book, you should take notes and summarize interesting or relevant passages. Write down significant points, impressions, and insight relative to the reading. I suggest noting the page number in your notes for later refence.

When the book is complete you will write a 2 part report.

One half of the report is to be a synopsis of the book. Answer the following questions:

What was the book’s purpose?

What are the main topic(s) the author was trying to convey?

Include at least one quote from the book. (cite properly in MLA format)

The second part of the report should be your impressions, take-away, insight gained, or rebuttal to the text.

What did you think of the book?

Did the book leave any lasting impression or advice that will help you?

Did you agree with the author? If not, why not. Be specific.

How might this book help someone in your particular field of study?

Your paper should be between 500 and 700 words double spaced. (This is between 2 and 3 pages generally). Significantly less or more than this will cost points. 40points total

100 words out of bounds -40 points.

50-99 words outside of boundaries -20points.

30-49 word out of bounds -10

You should include any footnotes or citations, as necessary. If you directly quote from the book, you must cite it using MLA footnote format. 20 points

Proper grammar, syntax, and spelling are required. 30 points

You must include your name, a title and the title of the book at the top of the page. 5 points.

You must turn in your paper as a .doc or .docx with the following naming convention:

Lastname_first initial_course_Paper.doc example: Potter_H_HistoryMagic101_Paper.doc

You can watch this video before writting it. This is a summary of the book "How to steal like an artist" by Austin Kleon.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
"How To Steal Like An Artist (And 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me" by Austin Kleon.
Austin Kleon key message is that there is nothing entirely original in this world, be it music, science, art, or anything else. Ideally, no creative work happens in vacuums as they are products of generational hard work. Any excellent artists would not mind stealing or emulating. According to Austin Kleon, no single piece of art is original – every piece of art is stolen, and every artist steals. As such, “every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of previous ideas” (Kleon 4). What people do not realize is that art is a product of an artists influences. There is nothing like original art but rather artists who steal from what has been done and make them better succeed. Art is compared to genetics, where a child is a mix of their parent's genes. This means that the child’s genes are not new but rather an output of their parent's genetic makeup. Like genetics, arts begin when one identifies the suitable artwork to steal or build their experience (Kleon 5). Artists who excel are those who surround themselves with art worth that is worth stealing. Artists should identify artist they admire, learn their strategies, their influencers, among others. Ideally, the more one gets connected to a great artist, the more creative one gets. Artists excel by imitating their heroes because through copying and emulating, and you realize your part by leveraging on their weaker areas (Kleon 7). While copying and emulating your artists, it is important not to abandon your hobbies or projects because utmost creativity and inspiration often come along when one lets their minds wander. Of more importance, focus on obscurity ...
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