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Treatment, Inequity and Hate Crimes to Transgender People In USA

Essay Instructions:

This is a research essay concerning transgenders in the USA. All of the resources listed below I have in pdf or direct link.

Avery, Dan. “Anti-Transgender Hate Crimes Soared 20 Percent in 2019.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, 17 Nov. 2020, www(dot)nbcnews(dot)com/feature/nbc-out/anti-transgender-hate-crimes-soared-20-percent-2019-n1248011. Accessed 4 May 20201. Dan Avery has a master’s in journalism from NYU, has been an active member of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, and is currently a reporter for NBC News. Most of Avery’s work consists of highlighting key issues that the LGBTQ faces in the United States of America. This particular piece touches on the issue of anti-transgender hate crimes in the United States. Furthermore, this article gives insight into the issue of anti-transgender hate crimes through the data collected from the Uniform Crime Report (UCR). It is important to analyze the crime that is happening to the transgender community because it demonstrates a particular aspect of their everyday lives.

Kidd, Jeremy D., and Tarynn M. Witten. “Transgender and Trans Sexual Identities: The Next Strange Fruit-Hate Crimes, Violence and Genocide Against the Global Trans-Communities.” Journal of Hate Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, Dec. 2007, pp. 31–63. EBSCOhost, doi:10.33972/jhs.47. Accessed 4 May 20201. Jeremy Kidd works in Columbia’s Department of Psychiatry, and Tarynna Witten works as an associate professor for emergency medicine at VCU Medical Center. Both authors are currently working within the medical field, and this gives them the tools to understand how serious this issue is. Within this journal, the two authors highlight that hate crimes against the transgender community are not limited to the United States. These hate crimes are actually part of a global phenomenon. The issue of worldwide hate crimes against the transgender community is categorized as a genocide within this work. The authors express the urgency to recognize the mistreatment of the transgender community.

Neira, Paula M., and Anna Lee. “Under Attack: Transgender Health in 2020.” Journal of Health Care Law & Policy, vol. 24, no. 1, July 2021, pp. 109–138. EBSCOhost, search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.palomar.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=149821009&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed 4 May 20201. Paula Neira is the Clinical Program Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health. Anna Lee is an attorney who studied at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. With these crucial backgrounds, they write about health disparities and struggles that transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people face in the United States. When examing the well fair of an individual one must consider healthcare accessibility. The journal draws attention to the health inequalities that the transgender and gender-diverse community faces. They are addressing the current discriminatory issues of these communities, and it important to understand this for research. It is vital to comprehend how the transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people are marginalized from receiving health care, and who is behind it.

Philipps, Dave. “As Biden Lifts a Ban, Transgender People Get a Long-Sought Chance to Enlist.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 25 Jan. 2021, www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2021/01/25/us/biden-transgender-ban-military.html. Accessed 4 May 20201. Dave Philipps is a reporter at the New York Times who covers veterans and the military. He has gained notoriety for his work with awards like the Pulitzer Award. Although most of his coverage is about the consequences of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan he covers social and political issues within the military as well. Within this article, Philipps covers the ban that Trump put on the transgender community from joining the military and President Biden’s lift of the ban. The article points out how the transgender community is being isolated no only by the citizens of the United States but also by its government.

Sudai, Maayan. “Toward a Functional Analysis of ‘Sex’ in Federal Antidiscrimination Law.” Harvard Journal of Law & Gender, vol. 42, no. 2, Summer 2019, pp. 421–475. EBSCOhost, search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.palomar.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=146941188&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Accessed 4 May 20201. Maaya Sudai is not only a graduate of Harvard Law School but also an assistant professor of law and women and gender studies. This journal discusses how the word “sex” has not evolved in the legal field and causing discrimination to the transgender community. Notably, this is highlighted in the issue of transgender individuals having an issue using public bathrooms. Sudai journal views sex classification through a functionalist lens which is very different from past legal definitions. The author seeks to destroy the narrow-minded interpretation of the word “sex,” and modern science is being used as evidence to further her cause.

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Transgender Treatment in the USA
Transgender people are not treated well in the United States of America (USA). Although society is gradually recognizing the presence of these individuals, it has not conformed to their needs, which is why they encounter numerous problems that are absent for people who identify based on their biological sexual orientations. For example, many organizations do not have toilets or bathrooms for transgender people when it comes to washroom facilities. When it comes to hospitals, there are no wards for these individuals. Society is very far from conforming to the needs of transgender individuals, which is why these people feel as if they are discriminated against. In particular, individuals have the right to become who they want. The decision should be respected, and the needs of such people should be fulfilled. Transgender people are not treated well in the USA due to the various forms of discrimination, stereotyping, and labeling by the public and organizations.
Gender-diverse (TGD) and transgender people face inequity in various sectors in the USA. Although the 21st century gives these individuals hope that their rights, needs, and healthcare services will improve, not much has happened. When it comes to the mainstream media portrayal of transgender people, they are represented as individuals who have defied the norm. Despite many Americans recognizing bisexual, lesbian, or gay people, the stereotyping against this group of individuals exists. For instance, transgender people face discrimination in the provision of healthcare services. They are not given the privacy they deserve. When the former president, Donald Trump, was elected, the privileges of the transgender military personnel were banned, which threatened these individuals (Neira and Lee 111). Suppose the government d...
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