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The Danger Brought by Wolves Summary

Essay Instructions:

Read: Wolves are Key to a Healthy EcosystemBy Marjorie Waggoner, Associated Press 


Just say, “NO,” to WolvesBy George Khoury, PR Newswire 

Write a five paragraph argument essay answering the question below. argument paper writing, Supporting your ideas with several words or one-­line quotations is appropriate. 2 sources for cited work provided

Please use the two reading articles are provided for you to download; use MLA  

 Question: Should the U. S. National Park Service continue to reintroduce wolves into Yellowstone, Isle Royale, and other national parks in the United States?

Argument Paper

1. Read two articles; Using these articles as your sources, write a five-paragraph essay addressing the question: 
Should the U. S. National Park Service continue to reintroduce wolves into Yellowstone, Isle Royale, and other national parks in the United States?

2. The first paragraph should introduce your two sources and summarize the positions in the articles you have chosen. This paragraph must end with a clearly stated thesis, namely, your position (or answer) to the question.

3. The topic sentence of the second paragraph must present your first argument supporting your position. The development of this paragraph explains why your argument is correct. It is appropriate to use one or two short quotations in your development.

4. The third paragraph is to be a rebuttal to an argument opposing your position. The development of this paragraph should show why the opposition is wrong. Again, one or two short quotations are appropriate to use in your development. 

5. Paragraphs must have a topic sentence followed by 4-6 supporting sentences. Supporting sentences are to be factual and specific. They should include short (several-word or one-line) quotations followed by author and page number, MLA Style. They should provide information from the article without copying the book. Do not try to make the article write the paper for you.

-Thank you

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The Danger Brought by Wolves
National parks are areas reserved by the government to protect living organisms, particularly endangered species. These provide a natural or developed land area where the living creatures can interact with the environment. However, the question remains of whether which animals should be placed in these parks. One of the pressing issues is the reintroduction of the wolves in the United States national parks, including the Yellowstone and the Isle Royale. Khoury of PR Newswire suggests that wolves’ reintroduction is dangerous to the livelihood of the people who live near the park and the tourists’ safety in the future (1-2). Conversely, some experts like Waggoner claim that this step is essential in boosting ecotourism and the rebirth of the food chain, where the wolves will reduce the elk population, leading to the increase in the population of other species (1-2). The government should prioritize the citizens’ welfare, which can only happen when the reintroduction of the wolves in the U.S. national parks will be stopped. Therefore, this must be prevented as it has many adverse effects on society.
Due to the overestimation of the impact of placing wolves in the national parks in terms of balancing the moose and elk populations, it resulted in a significant reduction in the prosperity of the livelihood of the farmers and an impending danger to the human’s safety. Upon placing one wolf at the Isle Royale National Park, Khoury stated, “Farmers are concerned about losing income.” (1). This is because wolves are strong predators that kill farm animals like cattle, dogs, horses. One wolf can kill herds of cattle, and this can cause hundreds of millions of dollars lost to the farmers. Due to the income losses, the U.S. Department of Agriculture stepped up to subsidize the lost income of those working in the farms and ranches. Additionally, because wolves are dangerous predators, others are concerned about the possible significant reductio...
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