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Essay Instructions:

You will write a seven-paragraph essay about the Anthropocene based on what you have learned from lectures, readings, sections, your classmates, and other course materials. You will upload this essay to GS by Tuesday, June 8, 2021, by 11:00 am PDT. In your writing, please explain how you would define the Anthropocene and why you think the Anthropocene matters. Your essay should have a thesis that answers those questions and organizes the rest of the paragraphs.

Each paragraph should include appropriate evidence and/or case studies from this year's readings, films, sections, or lectures. Please include details from the course about the who, what, when, where, how/why in each paragraph. Each paragraph should have between 175-200 words.

Paragraph 1: explain how you define the Anthropocene and why this matters.

Paragraph 2: explain when you think the Anthropocene begins and why this matters.

Paragraph 3: explain what you think is the most important cause of the Anthropocene and why this matters.

Paragraph 4: explain what you think is the second most important cause of the Anthropocene and why this matters. How is this second cause related to or distinct from the most important cause?

Paragraph 5: explain what you think is the most powerful case study (could include nonhuman animals) to illustrate the Anthropocene? Is there a particular disciplinary approach from the social sciences or humanities in this case study that is vital to understanding the Anthropocene?

Paragraph 6: explain which groups of people you think are most deeply affected by the Anthropocene and why this matters.

Paragraph 7: explain why the Anthropocene matters in the big picture and what is one important strategy, such as the Green New Deal or something from ecopsychology, to deal with the problems of the Anthropocene. You might think of it in terms of explaining to a curious family member or friend what this course was about and why this person should care.

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Over time, people learn that humans have significantly altered the environment, and these changes will have lasting influences on the environment and biodiversity. The changes occurring in the environment are beneficial to some organisms, while others suffer devastating effects that have led to the extinction of some animals. Anthropocene refers to the geological age regarded as the most recent time in history when human activities started bringing significant changes to the world climate (Ruddiman 7). Anthropocene is a Greek word where anthropo means human while cene means new. The impacts of human activities are evident everywhere. Many people refer to the modern age as the Anthropocene. The reason behind this is because humans have become the most influential beings on Earth. In the past 60 years, the impacts of human activities have unfolded at a significant rate. Many people refer to the past 60 years as the Great Acceleration. With an increase in technology use and the development of nuclear energy, the rate of carbon dioxide emissions has increased dramatically. Global warming is all around the environment; oceans and other water bodies are becoming acidified at a worrying rate. Destruction of habitats is high, and this is leading to the extinction of several species. Understanding Anthropocene is vital in the modern age to ensure people understand the impact of their activities on the environment and develop alternative ways for the better.
Atmospheric chemist Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer, a diatom researcher, coined the word Anthropocene in the 1980s, but it became popular in 2000. According to the researchers, modern society is living in a new geological epoch. Based on scientific studies, the history of Earth dates to about 4.5 billion years back. On the other hand, humans came to exist on Earth about 200,000 years back. Even though humans have existed for a few years compared to the age of the Earth, they have greatly altered the planet in multiple ways. There is a theory that states that Anthropocene began during the 1800s when Industrial Revolution began. During this time, human activities started having a significant influence on the environment, where there was a rise in carbon and methane in the atmosphere (Ruddiman 20). Another theory states that Anthropocene began in 1945 when there was the first test of the atomic bomb. Additionally, it was in 1945 when an atomic bomb was dropped in Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan. The radioactive particles from the atomic bomb spread through the world, which was confirmed through soil sample testing. Anthropocene Working Group in 2016 concluded that Anthropocene differs from Holocene. Due to this, the group agreed that Anthropocene started in 1950 during the Great Acceleration.
Considering the various changes in the modern climate, it is clear that the climate is no longer stable. Earth is becoming warmer at a significant rate. According to research, the primary cause of Anthropocene is human activities. Multiple human activities lead to global warming through the emission of greenhouse gases. Humans produce energy from coal, oil, and natural gases, which are the leading sources of greenhouse gases. The world population has grown significantly in the past decades, which requires more natural resources (Steffen et al. 29). To cover this deficit, people have to increase production capacities which come with severe consequences. There are many industries today, and all these produce a lot of waste products. The carbon dioxide from these companies goes to the Earth's atmosphere. Several companies discharge their waste products to bodies of water without any treatments. Due to this, many bodies of water have become acidified, leading to the destruction of natural resources.
The second factor that causes Anthropocene is natural processes. There are various natural activities that man has no control over, but still, they impact the surrounding environment. Chemical reactions exist wit...
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