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To Kill A Mockingbird’s Value in Today’s Society

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To Kill A Mockingbird’s Value in Today’s Society
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a novel that aims to explore the various moral natures of human beings like racial prejudice, family life, and courage assessing whether people are good or bad. It is fundamental, especially in these adverse times, to look for guidance whether politically or socially. Moreover, some of the social injustices have become prevalent and therefore a good tool in preparing the coming generations against such wrongs.
The novel holds a vital position today since being first published in 1960 because of how relevant its themes are when it comes to relating it to today’s world and therefore still resonates in today’s society because:
1 It’s important to those who are growing
2 People learn not to judge others by looks
3 It advocates for moral action and not just words
To Kill a Mockingbird plays a pivotal role in the lives of those growing not only the art of growing older but also growing up into someone worthy.
Support 1
* Challenges of growth are still inevitable, and in these cases, virtues in need require sacrifice and the right choices in order to move forward no matter the circumstances (Guest Editorial).
Textual evidence:
“Things haven’t caught up with one’s instinct yet. Let him get a little older and he won’t get sick and cry. Maybe things will strike him as being not quite right, say, but he won’t cry, not when he gets a few years on him.”
From the novel, people learn not to jump into conclusions by rushing judgment about others by simply looking at them as they may really not be aware of the kind of circumstance someone is fixed in.
Support 1
* The novel equips a person with the ability to view situations from other people’s perspective and by understanding this; people often get along by avoiding trivial conflicts among themselves due to pre-judgments.
Textual evidence:
“If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.”
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