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Website Development Stakeholder 1

Essay Instructions:

The assignment, Digital Forum, is making a website but I don't need you to make the website for me. Instead, you only need to write an essay for me. I will split them by myself while working on the website. There are four files attached. Just find the things related to the Digital Forum as well as carefully read the requirements and grading policy. This assignment includes five parts(around 2200 words) in total. However, the only option which fits 2200 words requirement is eight pages. It doesn't matter much if you actually write eight pages. What's important is you need to write them into 5 parts. “About” Page is 300 words. Three “stakeholder position” pages are 300 each. A “Required Reading” page will offer ten annotations (approx. 100 words each) of five new scholarly sources and the five from your Inquiry Essay pertaining to your issue that would be of interest to your audience. I will attach the file called Inquiry Essay. On the last page, there is the citation for five sources that I already found and you will be required to find five new sources. (These sources must be taken from journals or books). Then you should use these ten sources to write the required reading page. The topic is the same as the Inquiry Essay I attached. The whole essay should be related to my Inquiry Essay's topic and thesis. Don’t forget to narrow it down because I just already narrowed it down before and its among college students. Please follow it.

These things must be answered: Elements of About Page

Could share an introduction - anecdote or story (but not mandatory)

What the issue is – basic definition, facts or

Background of the issue

Exigence of the issue (why is important? Why is urgency?)

Tell us about the digital forum – mainly summarize the stakeholder positions in a line or two. You can read my Inquiry essay and follow the lead as well as point out the urgency that is missing in my inquiry essay. On the stakeholder pages, there must contain the new sources that you find and relate to my topic. The whole essay needs to be related to the new five sources that you find except for the required reading part that you might need to use sources I found, The citation should be the MLA8 format. (https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html) I hope I made this clear. If you don't understand, you can read the files that I attached and feel free to ask me anytime. I will respond asap.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Website Development
Learning is one of the most interesting process. Life is all about learning and it is through this way that human beings can easily make their brain responsive to new ideas in the ever changing world. Due to the various technological changes that are taking place, it has made it necessary to integrate digital learning in educational institutions. The technique is common and it is used in various universities since it makes the learning process to be more interesting. In some colleges, learning is so digital that it is rare for the learners to come into contact with their tutor. There are some courses which the students study online and take examinations online and as such you will never come into contact with your instructor. This is one of the greatest issues that has made the stakeholders from the different fields in education to give their views on the effectiveness of the digital learning process. Some people are against digital learning since they do argue that it has created a gap between the learners and their instructors. There are also other people who argue that digital learning is more effective since in this ever changing world, it is very important to integrate technology in every aspect of life to avoid being left out. Room for Debate is one of the digital forums that has provided a platform where people can engage in a conversation on various issues in life. The platform was created for the purpose of bringing on board people from different aspects in life so that they can share their views on the various things that are affecting their lives. It is through the platform that we ignite a conversation so that people can come out from different parts of the world to give their views on issues that matter in their lives. The above topic on the effectiveness of digital learning in our institutions is one of the recent conversations that we are having on the platform. If you would like to give your views and join the discussion, then you only need to log into the platform and give your views on the effectiveness of digital learning. What do you think? Should we do away with digital learning in institutions or we should integrate it in the learning process as way of embracing technology and making the learning process effective?
Stakeholder 1
The integration of digital learning in the various aspects in education redefines the learning process and makes the learners to be more creative. Digital learning is redefining the learning process since the students will now be actively involved in the learning process by doing what they are learning. Jemmy Chien, a professor at the University of Denver carried out a research to evaluate the ways in which digital media and the internet was transforming education. His research was based on an observation of a digital learning class and interviews from the teachers and learners in the digital class. In his research, she argues that digital learning makes learners to be more creative in their lives. He argues that creativity connects human behavior, attitude and the ability to work together. Digital platforms have created an environment where people can share ideas on various issues even though they come from different parts of the world. Digital learning also prepares the learners for the future world through digital citizenship. Digital citizenship is where people give and participate in online conversations without necessarily having a peer to peer conversationsCITATION Min12 \p 7 \l 1033 (Ming-tso 7). The above findings also allude with the findings of Eric Klopfer and his colleagues. In their paper, The instructional power of digital games, social networking simulations, and How Teachers Can Leverage Them, they found out that digital learning promoted social interaction among the learners since in this era of technology, most of them would prefer giving their ideas online and participating in discussion on the various digital platforms. They also found out that playing digital games helps the learners to develop cognitive abilitiesCITATION Eri09 \p 4 \l 1033 (Eric, Scot and Jennifer 4). The above findings by the different researchers show that the digital technology has made the learning process to be more effective in various aspects. In addition aspects such as digital citizenship are becoming an important aspect of life and the various governments across the world are using it as a strategy to involve the youth in its development initiatives.
Stakeholder 2
The integration of digital learning in the school curriculum should be done in such a way that it does not act as a replacement or an alternative to the role played by instructors and teachers who have always played a great role in the learning process. Digital learning is an integrative process that will never work on its own. Most of the people have misinterpreted digital learning and viewed it as the best strategy of doing away with teachers and instructors since they think that it is a traditional form of learning that has no place in the digital technology. However, this should not be the case since we still need physical teachers and instructors in the classrooms. Both the teachers and instructors need each other for digital learning technology to work In a report published after a review of existing research on the influence of digital technology on the learning process for the past forty years it was revealed that the use of digital learning will become more effective in the learning process if the learners and the teachers use a form of participation to understand the digital learning process. The research report that was published in 2012, points out that in the use of digital learning, the teachers have an upper hand where they do go to the classes and give assignment to the students without even informing them on the ways of using the digital learning process. The findings suggest that this procedure affects the digital learning process in a negative way since the learners are viewed as the consumers of the digital technology rather than them being creative. The research also pointed out that the collaborative use of digital technology in pairs or small groups is more effective in the learning process for the college students rather than its use at the individual levelCITATION Hig12 \p 42 \l 1033 (Higgins, ZhiMin and Maria 42). Collaborative use of the technology will also help in creating social networks in the learning process which is also one of the important aspects in life. In his research, Thinking About Technology Effects on Higher Education, the researcher also suggests that institutions of higher learning should come up with an appropriate strategy of integrating digital learning in their activities and it can be done by forming partnerships with the various industries. Most of the instructors and learners may not be having knowledge on how to use the digital learning devicesCITATION Moh11 \p 54 \l 1033 (Mohammed 54). Therefore, rather than rushing to adopt the technology for the sake of replacing the role of instructors and teachers, it should be a comprehensive process where all the stakeholders are involved adequately in the entire process.
Stakeholder 3
The use of digital technology in maintaining social relationship among the students was found to have a negative effect on communication among the student. In a research carried out in the year 2013 at Elon University, the findings from the research suggested that the use of technology had lowered the quality of face to face communications among students. The research found out that most of the students argued that they would always use their phones even when they were with their family members which reduced their conversationCITATION Emi15 \p 42 \l 1033 (Emily 42). In the research digital devices were mentioned as “obstructers” of real or face to face conversations among the people. The above findings are also similar to the ones obtained from a study carried out by Boumosleh in 2017. The use of digital assets in learning among the students were observed to cause various personal problems such as addiction and anxiety. The more time the students spend on their digital devices, the less the time that they have to communicate with the other students to share their problems. At this point, it becomes necessary for all the stakeholders of education to ask themselves if the use of digital assets is building our youth while on the other hand destroying the social relationships that have existed in the society. The question that also comes up is what we mean by education. Is it only academics? If we define education in terms of academics, then the use of the digital devices in learning can be justified but if we define education as a comprehensive process where the learne...
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