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Cities and Their Territories Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Just note and keep in mind that my major is architecture. So please make sure the content in the essay is all related to architecture.

Discuss, in 3-pages, (with the appropriately documented

and researched citations and annotations) an analysis of a landscape or urban condition of your choice. The site may be one that has been created in your lifetime, that you have visited, or it may be a historical place that we cannot go to anymore (Gardens of Babylon, for instance). The landscape or site choice may be a place you have traveled to previously, or it may be somewhere you have not been to. The essay may compare this place to other places like it, or to examples that are dissimilar, and should discuss the range/s and reasons

for why this may be so. Furthermore, a speci c theme may draw connections between this site and other examples, or among elements within the site, urbanity, or landscape that are of interest to you. Images may be included on pages as an addition to the (three) written pages.

Questions to consider

what role does nature, or ecology, play in this landscape? what role do humans play?

is the landscape/urbanity/et considered an art form? and why? or why not?

how does this site relate to other art forms?

what roles do science, technology, and various other tools, that are deployed or used in this speci c landscape, play in this place/space?

how is the place used and perceived?

how do other individuals talk about this landscape? how do other authors write about this place?

how is this place represented (visually), and why do you think this is?

what practices, ecologies, or other forces are currently shaping the designed landscape?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Cities And Their Territories: The Glass House by Philip Johnson
Great artists have in history created amazing landscapes that have served as great inspirations to other artists and creative designers for many generations that have existed and more others to come (Immerman). It is often interesting to see where legendary artists draw their inspiration from and how their residential places look like, and especially a place they call their home. An example of such a unique landscape that great artists left decades ago is the Glass House created by Philip Johnson, an American architect. The Glass House was inspired by Mies van der Rohe’s work. With its unique balance of simplicity and perfection, the Glass House is regarded to be one of the most inspiring works of contemporary architecture (Perez). In 1997, the Glass House was declared an historic landmark and it still remains to be a modern attraction with its beauty and rolling landscape (Perez). The Glass House rests on a 47-acre estate and can be visited in New Canaan, Connecticut (Perez). By analyzing its design, this paper discusses the role nature and human interventions in creating the landscape and how the forces that continue shaping the House of Glass, a National Historic Landmark developed by Philip Johnson and David Whitney.
The Glass House is best known as a dome for watching the adjacent landscape. The 55 by 33 feet house is rarely visible from the road and sits on a point overlooking a pond (The Glass House). The four exterior walls have centrally-positioned glass doors which open onto the landscape. Johnson’s house inspired the International Style into the residential architectural designs in the United States. The house is considered to be iconic due to its innovativeness in material usage and its unified incorporation into the landscape. The architect lived in the Glass House from 1949 until the year he passed on in 2005 (The Glass House). Today, the building and even the décor have not changed from their original design since it was completed in 1949. The furniture for the house was largely sourced from Johnson’s apartment in New York, which was designed by Mies van der Rohe in 1930 (The Glass House). Mies also made the iconic daybed purposely for Johnson. In the living room stands a 17th century painting that is attributed to Nicolas Poussin. The image entitled “Burial of Phocion” portrays a classical landscape and was particularly selected for the first Museum of Modern Art director, Alfred H. Barr, Jr. On the opposite side of the house, there stands a sculpture, “Two Circus Women” done by Elie Nadelman. The creation is a minuscule version of a marble sculpture which is the New York State Theatre lobby at the Lincoln Center (The Glass House). Today, the theater is known as the David H. Koch Theatre.
For architectural and landscape design enthusiasts, the Glass House, shown in Fig 1 below, is always a place that artists want to visit. This area became an epitome of the mid-20th century modern architecture that the designers experimented with minimized geometry, stricture, reflection and transparency effects, and proportion (Filippenko). The Glass House is seen to be hidden from the street and a see-through structure with its exterior sides made of charcoal painted glass and steel. The interior of the Glass House is an open space which is divided by a brick cylinder containing the bathroom and the low walnut cabinet. The bathroom is the only object that can be reached from the ceiling. The Brick House, which at one point served as a guest house and Johnson’s study, forms part of the estate, including the underground Painting Gallery whose entrance is modeled on the Agamemnon’s tomb (Filippenko). The art gallery is located underground and it was the intention of Johnson to have buried underground, so that it does not take away the visitors’ attention from the Glass House. He made the gallery to be windowless, which is not common for most galleries.
Fig 1. The Glass House (Perez)
The Glass House was done by 1949 as a single-story building measuring 32’ by 56’, an open floor plan that is enclosed in 18-feet wide glass sheets that run from floor to the ceiling. The glasses are sandwiched between the stock H-beams and the black steel piers and anchors the glass sheets in position. However, Johnson’s mentor, Mies was not impressed with the design in what he described as a lack of thought in putting details in the plan. Johnson’s plan of the Glass House is shown in Fig 2 below. Despite, disappointments from Mies, the Glass House has a myriad of features that give its beauty such as the clear glass panels that portray live reflections (Perez). These reflections are ...
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