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Out of Your Comfort Zone "STRETCH" Activity

Essay Instructions:


This week, our online course is going to turn off the computer and go outside.

Part of getting a college education involves challenging preconceived notions about the world and expanding perspectives. This week's "Stretch Activity" intends to take each student out of their comfort zone and push them to consider how the danger of the single story may affect their own worldview.

For this activity, each student in this course must consider the parameters of their "comfort zone." This may include their neighborhood or area of their city, their cultural background, and everyday experience, their religious affiliation, or any other group to which the student feels a sense of belonging.


Spend some time contemplating the meaning of your comfort zone: What are your everyday activities? Where do you spend the majority of your time? Who do you spend that time with? What do you have in common with the people and places where you spend your time?

Then, challenge yourself to enter into a space that you have previously felt is not within your comfort zone. This may mean attending a cultural activity of a different ethnic group, religious group, or even age group.

For example: If you are a member of a religious group, consider attending a different religious group's service this week. A Catholic person could attend a Buddhist meditation evening, or a nonbeliever could visit a synagogue. If you are a young person, consider attending a group activity in your community that is intended for senior citizens.If you are a man, consider attending a group event that you maybe feel is intended for women only or vice versa.

Record your thoughts during the event, including how this experience changed your perception of the other group and yourself.

Write a reflection of your experience on this discussion board. Your entry should be at least 250 to 300 words. Feel free to write from a first-person perspective e.g. "I felt..." or "I saw..."

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Being a Catholic, attending a meditation center in my neighborhood was profoundly different. Initially, I had some reservations concerning this Buddhism practice, but I learned a lot from the conversations I had with the practitioners at the center. I discovered that meditation is a means of transforming the mind. One of the instructors in the institution highlighted to me that Buddhist meditation practices help in developing concentration, emotional positivity clarity and seeing the true nature of the world. Buddhist meditation allows a person to effectively comprehend the importance of mindfulness and also their daily habits.
I was asked to join in one of the meditation routines as one of the sessions was ongoing. From what I discovered from my research after leaving the meditation center, I found that meditation in Buddhism is one of the primary ways to e...
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