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Assignment 3: The Comparative Essay. Relationship between Youth Employment and the Economy

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 3: The Comparative Essay


This assignment is marked out of 100 marks and is worth 15% of your course grade.


Selecting from the following topics and readings, create a research essay of 900 to 1,000 words.


While a research essay normally involves conducting your own research, for this assignment, the research sources are provided (i.e., the readings listed are the research sources to be used).

Include appropriate elements of the research essay, including summary, paraphrase and quotation, and integration and documentation of source material. Parenthetical citation and a works cited page in MLA style are required.

The assignment will be completed in three stages:

Summarizing and note taking

Writing a draft essay

Writing a completed essay

All three products will be submitted to the g Faculty Member. The assignment will not be marked unless the summaries and first draft are attached.

Make sure that your thesis signals both your purpose in comparing the two essays and the basis for comparison that you have chosen. You may find that the Discussion Questions that follow each essay are useful in helping you identify the thesis, main ideas, rhetorical strategies, and supporting details used in the essays.


Choose a basis for comparison and write a comparison of the approaches to the relationship between youth employment and the economy presented in "Can Generation Xers Be Trained?" (page 509) and "The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age" (page 520).

Compare the way in which the authors use detail to explore the importance of one of the following: family, work, cultural practice, or cultural identity in the two essays "Memories of Montreal—and Richness" (page 150) and "Lend Me Your Light" (page 153 ).

Criteria for Marking Assignment 3

The following criteria will be used in marking Assignment 3:


A clear thesis that signals both the basis for comparison and your purpose for comparing in subtle, sophisticated language

Excellent comparative organization

Originality and/or sophistication, often expressed via specific examples and complex sentence style and diction

Clear signalling of summarizing or paraphrasing

Syntactically smooth incorporation of quoted material

Subtle understanding and expression of content shown by appropriate linkage of detail compared to main idea

No basic grammar or punctuation errors

Correct use of MLA-style citation and documentation

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Relationship between Youth Employment and the Economy
Given the different cultural norms and belief, different settings in the world have varied views about the youth. An example is a workplace whereby, the youth best does certain jobs. Therefore, they play a substantial role in the building or destruction of a nation's economy (Wiedmer 2015). Given the current technological changes, then it is obvious that the youth will be left to carry out the tasks that require intensive use of technology. On the hand, the elderly are left to carry out tasks that require a lot of attention because they have the necessary experience. The books, "Can Generation Xers Be Trained," and, "The Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age" present various approaches in regard to the youth employment and the economy. The author of the articles outline the various problems that the youth face in regard to employment opportunities and the impact that such problems are having in their lives.
According to the article, "Can Generation Xers Be Trained," the youth are growing in a society that does not give them the opportunities to exercise their knowledge, talents, and skills. As a result, they end up being a part of the society that does not have an experience of how to carry out economic activities. The baby boomers are on the other hand, allowed to exercise their talents in the job market without giving a consideration about the future of the economy whereby individuals will have no experience. A good example to support this claim is the fact that top-level positions in the offices are set aside for the baby boomers. Therefore, the questions remain; when will the youth learn how to run such positions. As a result, this would result in a negative impact on the economy because there would come a time when the baby boomers will not be able to work anymore. As well, according to "the Sweet Bird of Youth Is Showing Signs of Age," also outlines the manner in which the society views the youth as immature people who are not well equipped in making important economic decisions. They are also perceived not to be ready for training in the job market. As a result, organizations find it difficult to hire the youth and, instead, prefer to hire the baby boomers who already have an experience of the specific job position. Therefore, the negative views about the youth in both contexts explain the high rates of unemployment because employers do not give them a chance to experiment what they have learned in class.
Also, "Can Generation Xers Be Trained (509)" p...
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