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Comparison and Contrast Marriage and Relationships

Essay Instructions:

Essay Topic

This essay of no more than 700 words requires you to choose two stories from among those covered so far in Modules 1 to 5 and assigned in Module 6. You’re limited to the stories that you haven’t already written about in your last two essays. One of your challenges for Assignment 3 is to select two stories that are good matches for your chosen topic. You may wish to consult your Open Learning Faculty Member about your topic and short story choices.

In the meantime, review the list of stories and strike out the two you chose for your previous essays.

“Royal Beatings” by Alice Munro

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

“Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin

“Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan

“Paul’s Case” by Will Cather

“Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood

“To Room Nineteen” by Doris Lessing

“Great Falls” by Richard Ford

“Bartleby, the Scrivener” by Herman Melville

“Cathedral” by Raymond Carver

“Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

“Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

“The Horse Dealer’s Daughter” by D.H. Lawrence

Choose just one of the following topics:

Using two stories, compare and contrast the protagonists’ isolation from the world and the people around them.

Using two stories, compare and contrast the marital or romantic relationships presented.

Using two stories, compare and contrast the use of point of view.

Using two stories, compare and contrast the presentation of selfishness.

Using two stories, compare and contrast the parent/child relationship.


Your essay should have three parts: an introductory paragraph, a body containing fully developed paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Following is a general guide for what to include in each section of your essay.

In your introductory paragraph:

Introduce your chosen stories (with their full titles) and their authors.

Identify clearly your essay topic—the subject of your comparison/contrast.

Include a strong thesis statement on the comparison and contrast topic that indicates what a reader ultimately can learn from the comparison/contrast.

Forecast the categories of the comparison and contrast that your essay will analyze in detail.

In your analysis in the body of your essay:

Make effective use of topic sentences to identify the categories of comparison or contrast in your analysis.

Support your comments with evidence (paraphrase and direct quotations) from your chosen stories.

Explain the significance of each piece of evidence you present as it relates to your thesis.

Contribute to your reader’ understanding of the two stories as a whole.

In your concluding paragraph:

Summarize how your analysis of the categories of comparison/contrast supports your thesis.

Restate in different words the purpose of your comparison/contrast.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Marriage and Relationships
The issue of marriage and relationships have become one of the most discussed topics in society. As a result, most of the authors are focusing their stories on relationships and the power of the woman in the society. "To Room Nineteen," a story written by Doris Lessing (2013), talks about the role of the women in the historical society of London. Lessing talks about a character known as Susan who is initially caught up in a lovely marriage but challenges set in when the youngest kid is sent to school. As well, "The Yellow Wallpaper," by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, (1999) talks about the masculinity of the man in the society and the role that a woman is set to play. Therefore, this analysis will compare and contrast the marital or romantic relationships that have been brought out in the two novels such as a perfect marriage and the issue of women crying for help in relationships.
Lessing and Gilman have successfully brought out the issue of relationships and the manner in which it can turn into a poisonous love for the woman. What begins as a perfect marriage between Susan and her husband ends up to be a traumatizing experience for Susan which leads into her running mad. She discovers that she has made the wrong choices in the past and, in an attempt to redeem that, she finds out that the husband has been having an extramarital affair (Markow 1974). This case is similar to the woman in the Yellow Wallpaper whereby, she is overwhelmed by the family issue and is having a mental breakdown. The husband, suggest that they take a holiday, and, instead of enjoying her time, she spends her time locked in a room. Gilman uses the imagery of the wallpaper with a woman who seems to be crawling out of to show the emotional trauma that the main character ...
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