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Ready Player One A Reflection Of Our Current Culture In The United Statesrrent Culture In The United States?

Essay Instructions:


Write an essay on the following question:

In what way or ways is Ready Player One by Ernest Cline a reflection of our current culture in the United States?

Use the ways in which the book conforms and/or diverges from the Hero's Journey Paradigm to support your answer.

*Must have a brief introduction that introduces the overall topic (for example, culture, technology, etc.), introduces the primary text (Ready Player One), and ends with a thesis that answers the question.

*Must have at least three body paragraphs that use the ingredients we discussed previously for paragraph development.

*Must have at least 3 quotations from Real Player One in your essay. For example, use a quotation in each of your body paragraphs and make sure your quotations are connected back to the point of the paragraph.

*Must have a conclusion that brings the discussion of Real Player One back to the overall topic in general.


Notes from me to the EssayZoo Writer:

This what the professor means by "Ingredients for Paragraph Development":

Paragraph Development:

Writing body paragraphs is maybe the most important part of writing an essay simply because most of the essay is made up of body paragraphs (as opposed to the introduction or the conclusion). For this reason, it is important to understand the different ingredients that go into a good academic body paragraph. I use the word "ingredients" because writing is a lot like cooking, first you follow a recipe to understand how different ingredients work with each other in order to achieve the basic flavor of a dish, but eventually you come to master those ingredients and no longer have to look at a recipe in order to make the dish taste the way you want it to taste, rather than the recipe.

The basic ingredients of a developed body paragraph are as follows:

• Topic Sentence

• Explanation

• Evidence

• Comment

• Transition

*Topic Sentence:

State the point of the paragraph. What is the main idea you are exploring in this one segment of your essay? Be sure that it has some connection to the overall thesis from your introduction. If it doesn't, then you are probably off track from the essay's purpose. Keep the topic sentence simple and direct. One mistake that developing writers often make is trying to make their ideas "sound" smart by using overly complex diction and syntax, but as you learn to work with this key ingredient, keep the wording simple so that your idea will be clear.


Expand on the point from your topic sentence without going into the specific evidence yet. If there are any words that need defining in your topic sentence, this is a good place to do it.


Use quotations that support the point of the paragraph or that add necessary voice from authoritative sources. Use any other specific data, detail, or example that supports the point of the topic sentence.


Explain the connection of the quotation or example to the topic sentence. Don't assume that your reader will make that connection on their own.


Connect the main idea of this paragraph with the main idea of the next paragraph. Not all paragraphs need a transition; you need to decide if the ideas from one to the other naturally flow, or if you need to make it clear with a transition.

* You should usually have two or three examples in a typical paragraph. Each time you should follow that example with a brief connection.


• The assignment must be done in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around.

• Your source for the essay is the novel "Real Player One" by Ernest Cline so here is the ISBN for the book of “Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline is ISBN-10: 0307887448

• I did include an image file of the “Hero’s Journey” diagram.

Thank you for your time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Name
Ready Player One
It took Ernest Cline nearly ten years to write Ready Player One. Before its publication, he thought that he would not be able to finish the manuscript, but the novel, set in a virtual reality world known as the Oasis, went on to become one of the bestsellers and was translated into more than 15 languages. Earlier this year, Steven Spielberg came up with a film adaptation of Ready Player One, and some critics say that its plot is an improvement over the source material. It’s safe to say that Ready Player One is a good depiction of how we live in today’s world and what are our cultural norms.
First of all, a major stage of the hero’s journey (The Ordinary World) is shown where protagonist Wade Watts is found to be living in a dystopia that is full of dangers. Throughout his life, Earnest believed that “going outside is highly overrated” (p. 17) and he presented the same idea in his book. Wade Watts loves to stay in an imaginary world despite so many difficulties he has to face there. He thinks that here there are more comforts than the real world. We can apply the same idea to our own lives. These days, we spend more time on social media than with friends and family. So, social media can be considered the virtual reality world (the Oasis) where we want to spend the rest of our lives, forgetting the worries and tensions of real life. The problem with these kinds of worlds is that they keep us away from our beloveds and encourage us to stay alone. People surfing the internet and chatting with friends on social media are often found to be living all alone in their rooms. They sometimes get themselves locked for hours to escape the challenges of real life. In Ready Player One, Wade Watts had the same kind of mentality. He thought that the virtual world is full of happiness, comforts, and pleasures. In the beginning, he did get some happy moments, but as the story of the novel moved on, he got to realize that there is no alternative to the real world.
In another stage of the hero’s journey (The Call to Adventure), the teenager is called to his journey after the death of Halliday. He wants to get the key along with the final egg before his journey could come to an end. The world we live in is full of problems and adventures, and some of us get easily attracted toward adventurous things. For example, a lot of people accept the call to adventure by taking the risks of their lives and jumping from the top of mountains. In Ready Player One, Wade Watts seems to be obsessed with the world of Oasis, and we have been doing the same in the real world. We, the humans, get easily obsessed with what looks amazing and unique to us. For instance, men chase female students ...
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