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The Vital Quality Every Member of the Society Must Possess

Essay Instructions:

Write a reflection on Henry David Thoreau's On Civil Disobedience in two ways, both critically and personally.

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Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau: A Reflection
Everyone has something he or she dislikes about the government and would, in many cases, rush to name it; an enthusiasm that ebbs away as soon as the question turns to what action they have taken to that effect. Reflecting on Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau, this paper seeks to reveal the vital quality every member of the society must possess to bend the will of the government towards just ruling. Powered by nonconformity to actions that contravene incorruptible belief system, civil disobedience remains a formidable weapon that can coerce a regime to submit to the will of the people.
Thoreau’s discussion revolves not merely around politics, but the role an individual’s and a person’s ideals play in engineering the downfall of a repressive political dynasty. This publication instills the idea that an individual has a crucial role to play in governance by speaking out against injustices the government perpetrates. Contrary to the peculiar feeling of being puny against the government, which many people battle with, Thoreau believes that a single person holds immense power than they ever realize. In this regard, he raises the concept of the “majority of one”, which alludes to the actual power bestowed on any single member of the society. The author so convincingly contends that standing up against injustice ultimately attracts and influences many other people to the same course, and once the individuals unite, the injustice will fall, as the prodding will force the government to act accordingly. All these, Thoreau believes, are achievable as long as the people adher...
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