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I Have a Dream: A Critical and Personal Reflection of M. L. King’s Speech

Essay Instructions:

Write a reflection on MLK "I have a dream" speech, in two ways, both critically and personally.

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I Have a Dream: A Critical and Personal Reflection of King’s Speech
We have achieved great things like traipsing all the way to space and traversing the deep seas. We even know the diameter and components of the sun. Unfortunately, we know the least about how to live harmoniously among ourselves – I guess because a genius is yet to be born to invent a technology that will eradicate injustice, discrimination, and a plethora of other factors that perpetuate inequality among humans. In this article, I reflect on Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream in an attempt to understand why it the only celebrated verbal indicator of a turning point that yet to be reached. King’s speech describes a dream that forces in the society devotedly work against its realization as the populace continue to wallow in preventable despair.
There is power in identifying common ground from historical archives to justify that people are straying from the ideal and why they must change course – if not retract. King achieves this from two perspectives: a religious and political one. First, the orator emphasized the urgent need to treat everyone justly for all are children of God. Put differently, all reasons for racial segregation and targeted injustices notwithstanding, religion offers a unifying idea – a belief in God, the just father whom all humans should emulate. Therefore, the speech not only validates religion, but also emphasizes the sacred role of religious morals in shaping the society in all spheres including the political landscape. Secondly, Luther goes back in history to evoke the founding fathers of America, who, through the revered Constitution and the Declaration of I...
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